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The North Korea Of Europe ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. I'm actually convinced. No need to learn a second language, it's the sworn duty of all nations to learn English as a second language.
    I'm not being sarcastic, really. It makes sense to have a "common tongue" and English is almost the de facto official common language these days.

    However, if you intend to spend a good deal of time in another country, it is a good idea, for many reasons, to learn the native tongue. This goes double for Glasgow.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. worrafukuownaboot?
  3. Yes, it was lovely today. Got out on the 999 - very briefly. You?
  4. sorry. can you translate?
  5. Yes, it means "stitch thah".
  6. stitch thah?
  7. If we expect peolpe coming here to speak English, how can we expect to go and live in France, or China, or wherever and not learn the local language? Thats not intelligence, thats manners :upyeah:
  8. ah right the Scottish habit of dropping the t at the end of a word. cool. deffo.
  9. See what you've done to my language skills, you twa!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. like you had any in the first place. :Asshat::smile:

  11. Totally agree with this, had the conversation/ hand gestures on many occasions in many countries but the more logical conclusion I came to was to teach everyone a universal sign language, that way you could keep your mother tongue but converse with anyone....... Until the regional variations developed and you end up back at square 1 again. Doh!
  12. Firstly, anyone who thinks English is a "universal language" needs to get out and take a look at the real world. English isn't even the majority language in large parts of the USA any more - Spanish is...
    Secondly - language is just an illustration of the ability to learn, and the willingness to do so. It seems to me, from my experience, that the standard of maths and various other subjects is higher, in general, higher in non-British people...
  13. Besides which - you argument falls over when so many people who speak English as their first language can't use it correctly...
  14. No one is making claims about English being the "majority language" but it does appear to be the majority second language. Unless you can demonstrate something different?

    Not going to even question your second point, I get the feeling you are right.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. What he said ^^^ and fact still stands. You have more chance of a chat anywhere in the world with English than Spanish (probably widest used language outside of China)
  16. I worked in China for 7 years. My Electrical Engineer was from Shanghai, Mechanical Engineer from Beijing and Maintenance Engineer from Guandong (Canton). Only language they had in common was English.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. No-one is arguing with post #93 though...
  18. And I'd imagine thats exactly what half of Beijing say about the other half ;)
  19. Anyone remember Esperanto? The universal language dreamed up by academics? It died because English replaced it.
  20. Diras vin!
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