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The people of London putting their City to shame - Audi driver vs Cyslist

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Am sure that is good advice Andy.

    However, the police do enforce that law. I have seen them do it 400m from there at the meat market.

    Maybe the car driver should have accepted the friendly and polite advice he was given instead of being a cock.

    If this thread were about a car driver who entered a bus lane and did that to a Ducati owner I think the tone would be quite different.
    • Like Like x 1
    #142 Mac, Feb 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014

  3. "friendly and polite" advise…….which video are you watching…..

    and my tone would be the same….:wink:

  4. invisible bike helmet…….is it the thinking part of the brain…..:biggrin:
    #144 andyb, Feb 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  5. Reads exactly the same. Not sure what kind of message you're trying to put across.

    Let me put it this way...how many set of red lights have you jumped in the car, and how many have you jumped on the bicycle..?
  6. if there's a lot of traffic behind, and a clear road ahead with no peds around, it makes some sense to get ahead of the cars behind - to get out of their way in order to give them an easier and less risky overtake. At least, that's why I've been told. By people who have jumped lights
    • Like Like x 1
  7. I wouldn't jump lights in a car. Apart from the fact that 2.5 tons of car is a lot more dangerous to everyone compared to 80kg of me and bike, there's the numberplate to consider...
  8. How many have you jumped on foot, you jaywalking bastard?! :biggrin:
  9. Only when the sweeney are chasing me...
  10. Think Glidd has been watching too much telly...its not illegal to cross the road in the uk. About the only liberty we have left
  11. Isn't it?

    Oh well, I thought it might be illegal to cross on the red man. Is he just guidance then? That's sort of how I've interpreted traffic lights on a bicycle. If it's red and there's no one around, I sort of pedal off anyway.
  12. Nope. Fill yer boots, long as its safe :upyeah:
  13. I've spent the last 30 years crossing on the red man in Switzerland. But don't do it in front of a copper - you won't leave him any choice.
  14. Do they pay road tax ? No I think, so why have them on the road, when there is two they ALWAYS ride beside each other get them off the road......

  15. I pay pay road tax. I might pay more than you. I have two 300bhp cars and god knows how many motorbikes. Does that mean I have priority over you?

    when I'm out with my buddies, of six riders, at least four of us pay 60k or more in tax. Does that mean we contribute more than you do? Do we subsidise you? Should you fuck off out of our way?
  16. You have my vote for the most narcissistic post of the week, well done!
  17. Why? I'm saying exactly what the previous poster said. He said he paid for the road and cyclists should get out of his way. I'm ridiculing his position by pointing out that there are people who pay more 'road tax' and income tax.

    Irony, sarcasm...
  18. Usually when there is six that means 3 abreast, keep them in the parks and forests

  19. Um, no, that's two lines of three, or if a car is trying to get past, six riders in one long line. Live and let live buddy.

    Seriously, cyclists and motorcyclists face exactly the same dangers on the road. I cannot see why there is such vehemence against cyclists on his thread. Unless you guys are these fair weather bikers who sorn their bikes in the winter and maybe never in a large city?
  20. These anti-cycling threads are very frequent on here. They crop up every few months creating much bad feeling.

    All water off a duck's back to me.
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