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The Serious Thread - Archaeology

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. dont give an abbo booze?
  2. The primitive Pacific peoples of Easter Island eventually cut down every tree on their island, so they had nothing left to build fishing boats from. This resulted in a cataclysmic collapse of their society. And all well before Europeans arrived.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. so they made really big heads for a bit then nothing...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Apparently true, but they were clearly a very industrious society, if not industrial. Not cut from the same cloth as aboriginal Australians.
  5. We dragged them up mounds and then removed the mounds, just remembered, told you I was old :smile:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. and some middle management fvk half your age told you to..
  7. Because you can't think how it was done doesn't mean it wasn't done by the people who were there at the time with the tools available at the time. this is self evident.
    You are effectively saying I don't know how it was done so no one knows or can know.

    there is no evidence of any 'missing' exotic technology or technique. Experimental Archaeologists and Engineers have come up with a number of ways it could be done, they work. We just don't know which one they used.

    These people ere the same as us, they had the same intelligence as us and the same reasoning skills.

    There are skills and manufacturing techniques from as recently as the 19th century and even the early 20th that have been lost but we know the people at the time did things using the tools and techniques available at the time.

    Have you read the available literature on the subject of how blocks and monoliths were moved or raised? There are libraries full of it. Only a fraction is on the Internet. A visit to your local University Library will provide enough to keep you reading for years.

    Why not take 10 minutes to see if you can think of ways of doing it with what was available.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Im with you on this one.........But only this issue!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. LMFAO!
  10. There was a structure built in stone, which has joints, that even today, we would struggle to do. There are pryamids all over the aligned to the stars. Alignment in ancient structures around the world are perfect. I think their geometry was perfect.
    Lifting big stones? Some bloke went on about frequency, and past civilisations knew how to lift heavy weights using frequency.
    Past civilisations have wiped each other of the face of the earth, their written language, their history and I'm sure their technology. Apparently, when the yanks invaded Iraq, they stripped the museums dry, what they looking for? Iraq is old, so who knows. Not sure if there is any truth in this.

    Lift a big stone? You build a balance, lots of little stones to equal the weight of the big one, at which point, not hard to lift. Elevators etc use this principal.

    May be aliens, who knows.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I like the dragging-the-block-up-a-hill idea, but I'm not convinced. To drag a 200 ton block up a hill you'd need at least 4 or 500 men, so that would have to be one hell of a fucking hill, and a shallow one at that. And once you get it to it's new home you've got to manhandle that 200 tons into position. I just can't believe that's how it was done. It must have been winched somehow, and that winch would have to be higher form the surface of the hill otherwise the block would just dig in.
  12. And what kind of lever and fulcrum do you use, bearing in mind they didn't have the luxury of metal?
  13. I don't think you really want to be convinced and are too lazy to go and search out the reams of information about ancient construction processes so keep wearing the tinfoil hat and telling yourself aliens did it as humans are not capable of doing anything you don't understand.

    Aliens probably made your mobile phone too as I'll wager you don't understand how that works either.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. 200 ton... 200,000 kg... 4-500 men? 400 kg a piece? good luck... modern health and safety say's over 25 kg is a two man lift! :Banghead:
  16. Wood is a strong material. Could be a simple balance, a fulcrum. Swing across onto another platform, and repeat until you get to the required height. You could have lots of these. One pully will half the weight your lifting.[/QUOTE]
  17. And the award for pointless post goes to...
  19. Bloody tablet is messing
  20. me!!!!???
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