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The Serious Thread - Archaeology

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Seeing that begs the question, Why does it take travis perkins 3 days to deliver the wrong shit?
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  2. or your average british builder 5 weeks to build a wall...
  3. eastern europeans can build it in 2 weeks.. but it wont "quite" match the drawings
  4. Take 1 200ft obelisk. Drag via 500 slaves to the point of your choosing. Balance said obelisk on a pivot placed at its centroid. Place counterweight at pointy end. Take some more slaves and add a bit off whip, dig hole at the end with the fat bit. Dig 50ft hole or to a depth of your choosing. In windy locations add 1 dead slave to foundations for the gods. Remove counterweight and let GRAVITY do the work.
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  5. Did they even have gravity back then?
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. You will agree with me again one day, just you wait and see :Happy:
  7. We didn't use bloody wheels, we used tree trunks for rollers, it spread the load, avoided compression of the wood or the ground :Happy:
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  8. I already gave a link to an Obelisk inRome weighing more than 200 tons that was moved there from Egypt . It was pulled by legionaries, they had thousands of them and it was floated on a ship built for the purpose. It was stood upright. All documented. they had more or less the same technology as the Egyptans.
    In Victorian England armies of men dug huge railway cuttings, built embankments, viaducts and tunnels across mountains, swamps and valleys. They used little more than picks and shovels and muscle power.
  9. If your wondering how I know all this, as I said, I was there, I am a Vampire, but don't worry, only bite the ladies and they can't be reading this thread :smile:
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  10. What an ingenious species man is ;)
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  11. Yes, but I find the species of woman diabolical! ;)
  12. In intellect maybe ;) not to look at and touch :Happy:

    (good job the girlies won't be reading this thread me thinks!)
    • Agree Agree x 1

  13. Look someone had to make 5000 sandwiches and look after the kids
    • Funny Funny x 5
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. most women i encounter have a strict "look but dont touch" policy
  15. get them to smell your chloroformed handkerchief
  16. Thats truly terrible ET your supposed to bee a mod ffs... where would one get a hold of this chloroform? (out of interest)
  17. I said "your handkerchief" not mine. I don't have a handkerchief. Nor do I need one :)

    Ps. Have you tried eBay? :)
  18. Back on thread please....
  19. as we speak... i mean no i have not
  20. im off to work now, one of my first jobs will be a feat nearly as amazing as the pyramids if i pull it off.. gotta try to get an english decorator to use some sand paper before he top coats.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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