The Smug Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Does this mean you have to wear your leathers in the plane?
  2. ?! Just pack whatever amd squeeze it on the crate. Its not easyjet...
  3. PPE is ok.
    13kg tool box limit inc' warmers....It's fucking Ducati for fucking fucks fucking sake...!!! :Meh:
  4. Pile it on man...lots of smaller boxes and bags ;)
  5. Appears that FE don't use the crate/stillage system like No Limits.
    One bag (large) for PPE.
    1x Set Tyres OR wheels
    1 x chair (sitting for the use of)
    1x Bike
    2 x stands
    1 x box (13kg)

    And that's yer shallot!
  6. They all say that ;) pile it on man. They will only tell you to take it off if its an issue
  7. No hangover

    Kitchen re decorated by me and new shelves and down lights fitted by Wantz
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