I hate my friend Spanky now .. He kept singing this tripe yesterday and now it's an ear worm !! I suffered torture as a child with this song via my Dad ..
Video — THE VACCINES Had the riff from this rolling round my head for about a week. They were hailed as the new Clash when they emerged but didn't ring my bell till this new track.
Man : Spunk Rock....wrong, should have posted in "what music are you listening to" thread...have now.
I've a Pink song rattling round my head recently. I cannot abide Pink I've always had a get-out from earworms though; whenever I find an unsavoury tune swilling round my head I can blot it out by recalling U2: Running to stand still, a song I love. Far more palateable
Great now going to bed with this tripe ear worm !!! I loathe this song as it used to be played at work over and over and over !!!!!!! I hate this song with a total passion