I can't say I blame people for wanting to live in a nice house, drive a quality car and go for several holidays a year, rather than, say, deal with drunks, liars, scumbags and society's casualties on a daily basis, work all hours and not have any of the above. Can't say the police was top of my career choices when I was considering what to do.
Glid, that's exactly my point, I agree, Its just how a person chooses how to get there. When private sector was in boom earning money hand over fist, no one gave a shyte about "public sector" pay and conditions. They were ok thank you very much. Now the Glove is on the other foot as it were, a couple of pension funds go tits up because of maldministration a downturn in the economy and ironically corruption (Maxwell) the moaning starts. Surely most people do some research before making a decision.
As I say, many petty crimes/crimes against property will go unreported. My mates farm was burgled last year by our travelling friends. He did not report it. When I challenged him he just said "whats the point". Most people are unaware when reporting a crime, if a crime number is not given over the phone, the crime does not enter into the statistics. Try to squeeze a crime number from the operator next time your shed etc is burgled.
over the years alot of the crime statistics come down to funding and how police receive their budgets. years ago it was due to recorded crime. the more they record the bigger the budget. so they would record everything possible and the continuation of one offence would be recorded as many to the nth degree. then the budget criteria changed (in the 90s - my time) and so did the police crime recording again - molested to fit the new funding criteria. they are continuously chasing moving goalpoasts with successive governments.. but it is very true. repeat victims in particular give up reporting after so long as it is a waste of time.
Police, nursing, teaching. All in the same bracket. Used to be vocational choices based on a desire to do that work rather than a career choice to make some money, climb the ladder and get the most reward. There's the issue.
There are fewer proper police because they're not being sought, it's cheaper to fire a few hobby bobbies at the problem. The police have their budgets cut every year, or so we're told. So do the council, so crimes go unsolved, roads fall into disrepair, drains don't get cleaned and everyone gets a parking ticket or speeding ticket in order to claw some money back. But every year we pay more and more council tax. So where the fuck is it going? As for crime. More and more crime is being committed by fewer and fewer people. The police for the most part know who they are, but their hands are so tied by beaurocracy there's no point them even investigating, cos the perp has the Nanny State on his side. Give the police some power back.
That's the only place you see proper coppers these days. Took seven of the buggers to stop me last year. I accelerated a bit hard going onto the M25 (according to plod #1) so he followed me, I knew he was there so kept an eye on the speedo, 5 miles later THREE motorway cars AND a bike cop pulled me over. The bike was all legal, anpr gubbins checked out fine, although I admit my license has a bit of previous, but don't you think that's a bit over the top for 'accelerating a bit hard'..? It's not like they had anything better to do, obviously
tonight they were mostly down Poole Quay eating fish and chips and showing off their PG's (allegedly)
I think you'll find that everyone doesn't get a parking ticket or speeding ticket only the ones who travel at inappropriate speeds and the ones that park illegally. Also the problem is not police powers but the effectiveness of the court system. P.S. You should move our way, our council tax has hardly gone up in the last 3 years :smile:
If the police are so strapped for cash, how come they are paying over the odds to look cool on a top of the range Ducati? Surely the BMW is considerably cheaper for the same effect (if not quite so cool). If I was a UK taxpayer, I wouldn't be very happy at my tax going to increase the cool coefficient of the police.
the worst thing is they dont even use them - just PR to 'promote' bikesafe and the like they even had a brand new Police Tractor at one event in the south
I'm not sure that the correlation between Bikesafe and a nigh-on 200 bhp superbike is that obvious. Shouldn't they have restricted 125s? I strongly suspect that some bike fan plod were chatting over a tea-break and one said "Do you reckon we could swing a Panigale for the Force? We could take it out of the Bikesafe budget - that would be brilliant! Bags first go - I thought of it first!"
Oh I think Ducati had a lot to do with it 'quote 'Through out this season BikeSafe and Ducati have been working together to promote motorcycle safety. Ducati have provided two highly unique motorcycles - a Police liveried Diavel ‘Carbon’ and a Police liveried Panigale. These bikes have been used at BikeSafe workshops, National Shows and are regular crowd pullers at most rounds of the BSB. They will also be making an appearance in the Paddock at this years Moto GP at Silverstone.