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The "travelling" community

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. I used to breed carp (Coy to be exact) many years ago and had various nursery ponds,one morning I checked the smallest pond and quelle suprise,all the carp had been stolen.
    They were Didicoys.:tongue:
  2. I had a run with two 'travellers' driving a transit yrs ago when they thought it funny to serve in front of me on my 851, when I remonstrated with them at the next set of lights they got out and tried to push me off my bike, I took of helmet and one of them got into the 'southpaw' boxing position (I recognised cos I used to box in my teens), 37 yr old is no match for a 20 yr old pikey boxer. Just then a couple of builders turned up and told them to f...k off and leave me alone, next was a police car, told them what happ end where they went, he told me it best I forget the whole episode as getting into the site to find them was nigh on impossible.

    Lesson learnt don't mess with pikeys the will make a mess of yr face.
  3. All that matters is this: A bunch of people turn up, they steal everything they can grab, the police don't do anything, then they leave. Doesn't matter who those people are, they will be hated. And who can blame us?
  4. They made a mess of my mate. We used to be doormen at a fairly rough nightclub in Chertsey - the Riverside Club. One pikey got turfed out, quite roughly it has to be said, and he returned with hundreds, all armed with hammers, pick axe handles, scaffold poles... Worst night of my life, they cracked my mate Dave's head like a boiled egg, all we could do was keep punching and pushing, forcing them into a small space so the couldn't swing anything.

    The police pulled up and watched from a distance, can't blame them really, more police turned up, a couple of riot vans turned up, then they got involved, but it seemed like hours later. We thought Dave was dead, we really did, he survived but was brain damaged, never led the same life again. Every one of us quit that night, I went on the piss for months by way of coping.

    Show me a pikey and I'll show you a clenched fist.
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  5. Worked with a couple back in the 80's, my best mate dated one until the police turned up one day and arrested him for sleeping with his daughter :frown:
  6. The best wildest sex I have ever had was with a stunning raven headed wild child gypsy girl in her traditional horse drawn wooden caravan somewhere in the woods in Belgium.
  7. Dunno, but who would have thought that some celebrities lawyers would be trawling Ducati forums and sending emails in insisting comments/threads be deleted?

    You never know.

    Also, who knows what everyone does for a living here. Someone, may decide to make a complaint or be forced to make a complaint, as it is their duty. Again, I don't know.

    I would not dream i justifying illegal or bad behavour of any group, but I don't want to see anyone here in trouble either.
  8. Pikeys can't read...
  9. Really?

    'Pikey' is now a race hate word | Metro News

    Is that you considered legal advice?
  10. See above
  11. They weren't pikeys, just opportunists.
  12. I don't want to see you in trouble Figaro
  13. You worry too much 749er.
  14. January 2013 working at a site in Chiswick, 18yr old pikey and Pakistsni kid turn up and ask if we want them to take away the rubbish in the front garden, I heard that one before, so reply, no thanks we got a skip coming, I look out the window and see them throwing stuff about making a mess, I tell them to stop pissing about and making a mess. The pikey loses it and starts swearing and frothing at the mouth 'who the fuck you talking to like that?' His right in my face bright red calling me all the names under the sun. Site manager comes out and takes me inside and we close the door, they drive off giving us the finger.

    Steve the sight manager and I agreed we walked away if I had laid a finger on him, there would be 10 can loads they would have kicked 10 bells out of us and ripped the place apart.

    Don't touch them, they love revenge.
  15. That newspaper report (from six years ago) is incoherent. The content of the report does not support the headline. And in my post I made no reference to the word "pikey" - it was "traveller" and its implications which was under discussion.
  16. there is no pressure anyway……the representation from the legal aid pot that overfloweth is drying up…….
  17. The lesson you should have learnt a long time before hand is never deal with them, then you would still be a grand up. People never listen and often never learn...
  18. Never again and that's for sure, still the money I made selling the rest to legitimate clients covered the loss and some :wink:
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