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The "travelling" community

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. and then some? hmmmm..... pikey or car dealer.... tough call :)
  2. That is true Fig, I do worry about stuff too much.
  3. a friend of mine manages there sites up here. tinny wee fella with massive side burns, (mad keen biker in his 60s) takes no shit, you have got to get in to there face its the only language they know. but sounds like a different level down your way, more like gangstas.
  4. Not gangsters, they ain't that glamorous. My landlord calls them the borrowers...
  5. the non returnables.
  6. Business man, but I won't deal with them again and that's down to a bad experience !
    In fact I check and double check all my clients, been burnt once too many times....
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  7. there have been some arguments over here in norn iron between gipsys that have ended up with people being chopped up. one crowed burst into another's home and chopped him to pieces in front of his wife.... I wouldn want to cross them as they would gut you.
  8. On Saturday my gf and I were just loading our shopping into the car at the local co-op. Taxi pulled up beside us with 5 young scruffy looking lads in it, around 18 years old. The rear door flew open and this lad said " swap this Scottish £20 for two tenners", not asking but telling me. I realised that, yes, "travellers" again. Its well known now that the area has been swamped with fake Scottish £20 notes and the Asian taxi driver was obviously aware of this. I am a big lad and my weapon was in the back of the car ( the dog, who does have an attitude when required) so I just replied "no" in a similar pig ignorant manner. This did the trick and they drove off arguing with the taxi driver. We were, right beside a cash machine so obviously they were simply using fake bank notes. I did feel sorry for the taxi driver.
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  9. A guy got caught last year doing just that, strangely he was also stealing heating oil (to burn the pikies....)

    Any way, after lengthy interrogation the lead investigating officer asked him 'what he thought he was doing?'

    His reply?

    '... probably about 3 to the gallon....'
  10. A minor victory over the Pikeys was scored around 8 years ago now. A group had attended a wedding not many miles away, and on their return travels home (wherever that may be) they decided to pull up onto our local park and set up camp.

    Council were contacted and they said 14 -21 days for an eviction notice to be served.

    Now at the risk of sounding snobbish, the area is working middle class where the park is used extensively for kids and local football matches and these ner do wells had pitched one of the not too small caravans in six yard box of the football pitch.

    Obviously word spread and everyones heckles rose. windows closed gates locked basically the area went on lock down.

    Anyhow, someone, put in a well placed phone call which resulted in the Police helicopter visiting on a nightly basis for 20 mins or so at around 3.00 am weekdays and waving the light around a bit.

    Despite this the park started to look like a shit hole of dumped building materials, drums and lopped tree remains although the sleep depravation was welcome.

    Come Sunday, the usual crowd gathered for a league footie match. The pikey men folk were down on numbers, as they were probably out burgling, an appeal was made for the offending van to be moved so the game could take place.

    No Joy. there was a reasonable crowd turned out for this match. 22 teenage / early 20s blokes in the teams for a start, plus their supporters and passers by.

    The appeal fell on deaf ears, in fact there were a few replies obviously not learned by the pikey womenfolk at their finishing school.

    The game commenced. Unfortunately every time the ball was crossed into the penalty area, for some reason it connected with the caravan causing some rather nice football sized dents and in one case a broken window.

    After about fifteen minutes, the "men folk" started to arrive back and immediately started threatening those taking part in the match and the supporters.

    The match continued whilst every single supporter turned outwards from the pitch and faced the pikey encampment. We were soon joined by householders from the houses surrounding the park, the occupants of the local pub, and a good few passers by, all of whom surrounded the pikey encampment.

    Long and short, the bastards were faced down and outnumbered they left still offering violence. No blows were exchanged and the police were left out of it for the main part, arriving a little later to a football match and piles of rubbish.

    Not had any trouble with Gypos since! The power of community!
  11. Over the past few days I have been wondering how we could possibly deal with these low lives and a flash mob is the only thing I can come up with. Putting the word about, the folk affected by theft and burglary locally is truly astounding and not something that should go unreported. I think whats required is a factual report in the local paper as to the phenomenal increase in theft etc which coincides with the gypo's arrival. Somehow, owing to political correctness, this is never going to happen. How a certain group of people can be protected simply because they live in caravans is beyond me, I don't know and don't care what race they are but this affords them immunity as such. I have been looking at the freedom of information act but not sure if GMP would release theft/burglary/deception figures. The town needs to stand up and come together to ensure the gypo's have a hard time here but sadly this will never happen.
    It would be nice if we could adopt a similar practice used in some US states where you may defend your property with lethal force ,when the Gypo's are in town. I feel this would deal with the issue well.
  12. you could always set figs guard ferret on em.
  13. I've a feeling he may be a gypo ferret:frown:

    He strips the foxholes out leaving crap every where, then buggers off, not to be seen for months.

    The foxes are scared shitless of him:upyeah:
  14. yip deffo tinged with gadgee
  15. read a fact on yahoo 1 in 20 people i prison are.... you guessed right
  16. Lesson to be learned. Never take your crash helmet off.
  17. Guilty ?
  18. They probably broke in:frown:
  19. The other 19 are G4s warders
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