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The vulcan bomber....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. The vulcan was indeed at wings and wheels this weekend, and it was brilliant seeing it fly again, since its on borrowed time due to the airframe and engine needing an overhaul.

    We also saw a Mitchell bomber which was absolutely brilliant as it was a mitchell base during WW2.

    There is a Wellington at Brooklands museum which is slowly being restored but wether it'll fly again I don't know.

    As for the EE lightning ... ohhhh muther please!! - I love it, and I believe that the reason it taxi's only is like the Victor, airframe worthiness. Also if I remember the guy who own that particular lightning was an RAF ground engineer who maintained them and he bought the plane for its scrap value off them. The issue was that it needed electrics overhaul as well - If I was informed correctly that is. Its the wing torsion beams, you have to practically strip the buggers right down to replace them :(

    If I won the euro millions rollover over, that's what i'd sink the money into as far as charity is concerned getting those old girls flying again, I remember seeing a lightning fly back when we had airshows all over the place, and RAF Lakenheath and USAF Mildenhall were just plain awesomeness-NESS!

    I saw on the news that there was a Lancaster which had never flown but to get it going again would come up against the same thing - airframe overhaul to certify air worthiness. And while we're on the subject, wouldn't it be lovely to see a Lincoln, Halifax and a Lancaster flying together!

    Chocks away boys... lets go win us some lottery!
  2. All at Dunsfold yesterday for Wings and Wheels.......
    20130825_150130.jpg 20130825_150134.jpg 20130825_150245(0).jpg 20130825_150246.jpg 20130825_150341.jpg 20130825_144422.jpg 20130825_130922.jpg 20130825_130926.jpg 20130825_153601.jpg 20130825_163631.jpg 20130825_165807.jpg
    I`ll try to load a short video of the Chinook doing an awesome rudder turn...............who says a shipping container cant do aerobatics :upyeah:











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  3. got to sit in a lightning a couple or three years ago at Waddington airshow
    my dad worked on them doing radio electronics said it was bitch to work on as all situated under the seat lol

    oh found a pic of me in the lightning lol

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  4. oh just found one of the Vulcan there it was grounded for the show due to safety inspection bummer


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  5. Saw the Vulcan at Farnborough a few years ago. Magnificent plane. Left before it flew, mainly as it was on last and I didn't want to spend 5 hours getting out of the car park :biggrin:
  6. Confirmed! Apparently, it will be flying our way again this weekend.
  7. I was at Fairford in the early 1990's when the two MIGs (29?) collided in mid air. Thankfully both pilots survived and no one else was injured.
  8. Are there any typhoons( old shape) or tempests left flying anywhere ?My late father's old logbooks show many to VNE air tests on them and out of all the types he flew,that was the one that he enjoyed the most.Old Warden was always my favorite show.
  9. went to Bournemouth Sunday, the Vulcan didn't turn up, :mad: but the weather was great and a pub tea in the New forest more than made up for it
  10. Satzoomer, I get regular email news from the Vulcan team and the latest says:

    [FONT=&amp]We wish to apologise to all those who made a special journey to see XH558 on Sunday. During the pre-flight inspections, a fuel leak was found coming from the No.7 wing tank on the starboard side, which resulted in our engineering team cancelling all possibility of flight.

    This followed two successful flights the day before and was a huge disappointment to all on the team. We know it was also a huge blow to the many thousands of people gathered at Bournemouth and Shoreham too. However, as has always been the case, safety is our number one priority.

    XH558 is maintained to the highest of standards; this has been the first technical cancellation of the entire 2013 season to date, quite an achievement for a 53-year-old aircraft.

    The tank in question was drained on Sunday and left to vent for Monday, which is normal procedure to allow time for the fuel vapour to be expelled.

    Earlier today our engineers started to investigate the problem. This tank was one of the original ones fitted to XH558 and was reconditioned during the restoration.

    A series of pictures below show just how confined the space is in the No.7 wing tank.
    [FONT=&amp][FONT=&amp][FONT=&amp]The area is just about deep enough to crawl through but is not for the claustrophobic![/FONT][FONT=&amp]

    This is a No.7 tank fuel bladder under test prior to its installation in the aircraft.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&amp]We have to announce that with this news we will not be able to fly this weekend.

    Once the cause of the leak has been found a decision will be made on whether a repair is possible or if a new tank needs to be manufactured. We are unlikely to have any further news on timescales for a few days, but as soon as we are able, we will provide a further update.[/FONT]
  11. Home | Vulcan To The Sky The charity that maintains and flies the Vulcan needs to raise £400,000 in order to keep it flying through 2014 and 2015. It needs some major strengthening work on it's wing leading edges as well as the annual overhaul. None of the money comes from the government or the RAF - it's all from donations...
  12. Can't they ask for some lottery funding? I would.
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  13. Portimao?
  14. @ Glid - I think you'll find the National Lottery is far too busy funding "art therapists" and "outreach groups" to bother with anything of national historical significance...
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  15. Had the Vulcan fly low overhead while sitting on a boat on Windermere last week. Along with seeing lots of jets, there were 2 Chinooks flying very low, with some other 'copter in front of them.
  16. Thanks for that might take a look next time I'm that way. Oh, do you have a sore throat? You're whispering today! ;)
  17. Vulcans used to fly out from woodford, which was close to the house I grew up in. They would blacken the sky and frighten the be -Jesus out of us! We moved.
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