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thieving toerags

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducatibob848, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Whether Travelodge or any other hotel, always be careful if you are given a ground floor room. It's not unheard of for lowlife to come around in the evening and remove a window... I was working with an unfortunate visitor from the US a couple of years back, who had booked into a Holiday Inn in the Bristol area - he went out for a meal in the evening and came back to find he'd been cleaned out. I know someone who experienced something similar in France - its especially important not to leave passports and keys in hotel rooms (think in terms of whether there is any evidence as to your home address and how useful those front door or car keys might be to fast-moving crims).
  2. Damn right... This whole area at the moment is under a cloud of these scum... My mates fireblade was nearly nicked Saturday morning, him getting up for work must have disturbed them, that was Tamworth just down the road.. Then you have me in Atherstone (bout 4 mile away).. Two robberies from my carport in the space of a few months... Tried to nick my boardman road bike & two weeks back stripped my mountain bike...... I now have many many many alarms... A baseball bat & a .22 multishot PCP rife under the bed.... I dare them to try again C~NTS
  3. I fear that if you ever produced that rifle, you could end up riddled with bullets, or at best in prison for a while!

    Things would of course be very different in some other countries, which might go some way to explaining why certain forms of crime are less common in other countries (e.g. not so many burglaries in much of the USA I suspect).
  4. Id have a go bud.... pop one in their arse as they were scramblin over the wall... Its go so bad the wife is struggling to sleep & I know for sure my mate & his wife have not slept since saturday & the attempt..... Just incredibly sad that you have to shit yourself constantly if you own desirable stuff... He's on about selling the bike as in his own words 'its just not worth it'... My 848 has its own alarm, an alarmed padlock on a ground anchor & 4 battery powered PIR sensors surrounding it.. Still under no illusion though that if they want it they'll have it... I repeat.. C~NTS
  5. Corrected for you.
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  6. Top tip - not that i could possibly condone that sort of thing - but if you are going to shoot someone : make sure it's in the front not the back and that they are on your land. "Reasonable force" does not include shooting someone who is running away... Just saying...
  7. Stiffer punishment, if the punishment does not outweigh the crime it’s not a deterrent.
    Bring back the stocks !!
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