when buying bling that, unlike shoes and handbags, you can't get away with 'it was only a tenner on EBay' that the answer to 'does my bum look big in this' is always yes that black will always be the new black
That it is a total waste of time, energy & breath trying to explain to someone who has never ridden a powered two wheeler just what the attraction is. They will NEVER GET IT.
the last surgeon that reviewed me spotted my mcn and told me how he is only returned to work after a head on between himself on his panigale and a car that resulted in a broken leg.
[Pre compulsory crash helmet]. When riding pillion with your mate on a 500 Norton, never lean over his right shoulder to talk to him, just as he releases a phlegm into the wind. It was like a stone hitting me in the face, I had a black eye for two weeks after that.
I went to what was the Black swan in Ockham which is now some up its own arse gastro pub. I noticed on the door a sign saying no motorcyclists welcome. During our meal I called the manager over, asked about the sign. He said it was because the pub used to be a grubby bikers pub and they didn't want to attract the wrong sort. I asked if I was the wrong sort, as I rode a motorbike. He didn't know what to say, bumbling a bit. I then asked if he wouldn't mind dealing with a customer who was offensive to mine eyes. I pointed out a cyclist in his lycra at the bar. I said that I didn't want to stare at a man's testicles being paraded in lycra whilst I was having a meal. My Jamaican mate added the icing on the cake by backing me up about the bollocks, and then asking him if he showed up on this bike whether he's be barred because he was a biker or because he was black. All round good entertainment and excellent baiting session. Oh.. And realising that the colour schemes and liveries you liked are suddenly over twenty years old!
To be fair the Black Swan (or Mucky Duck as it was better known) was a grubby bikers' pub. But it wasn't the bikers that were grubby, it was the pub - it was a shithole. Although my view of the pub may be slightly tainted...As a yoof I got into a bit of bovver there; a fight broke out one night, and to save my mates from a beating I kicked a couple of bikes over and legged it. Them fat greasy bikers were fitter than I expected though, and they chased me all the way down to the Hautboy (another biker haunt nearby), where my mate Big Adey sorted 'em out. Happy days.
Its that look of kids faces when they see you waiting at the lights. The parents couldn't give a shit, but for the kids its like seeing Knight Rider...or the modern equivalent I make a point of waving, especially if im wearing a dark visor