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Thinking Of Buying A Cagiva Mito...

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by Exige, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. no brakes..
    well was nice knowing you chap,ill keep eye out on the news,bound to be some good footage as you piss past the camera,,yelling...

  2. It will go like fook me thinks - problem is finding some where to play. Day time MOT with push bike brakes perhaps :Happy:
  3. I can see why you might think that but in that case, (using the same argument) it bodes even worse for Ducatis owned/sold by me..
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. nah, nothing in it as far as I could see, Aprilias were a bit slower though ;) Any two stroke no matter how well made is always going to go bang in the wrong hands. Have you rebuilt any Phil? I'm getting too old for it now despite the occasional request.
  5. Unless the price is right I would walk away Exige.. Them bones are gonna be a'breaking unless you are an ex-speedway champ in which case full respect. Talking of Aprilias have you considered an RS250 btw?
  6. Not an ex speedway chap unfortunately, archery I can make a claim to ,winning the Scorton Gold at 16.
    It's more to add a Czech bike to my collection really due to my daughter being Czech :Happy: and it's the only decent Czech bike you can buy! Won't be bidding too high though, previous examples of this era (1970's) have gone for between £1500 and £2000. I have my feelers out in the Czech Republic too for one, although I've just had to promise the wife (separated but still close friends) a new wardrobe to commandeer her help!
    My first bike was a 250LC and I have considered many of the 250's - not sure I would go back to an LC as I would certainly prefer something like an Aprilia RS250 or one of the Jap SP's.
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  7. have to admit I would love a cagiva mito to fool around on
    but technicaly that's what my ss is for so cant sway the wife yet
    but also like the look of the sach's xtc I know its a four stroke but looks cool

  8. It's embarrassing but I had one of those too.. was almost free. The seat fairing is designed to crack at the front and the tank will nearly always take on water. The headstock angle was quite low from memory. Honda engine so at least that part was reliable. Wheels and mirrors were same as Mito. Early models had two stroke option.
  9. This isnt a 1970's bike its mid to late 80's i would say,antig frame and motoplatt ignition.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Hi, thanks - I've mailed the seller to ask for clarification.
    Forgive my ignorance but what is an Antig frame?
    I don't know anything about these, just like them - does it look OK to you?
    Any advice appreciated!
  11. Antig are british made quality frames light and strong made from chromoly and bronze welded,as for the engine you need to ask what type it is 888 898 etc also if it runs and how many races since it was last rebuilt,the engine parts have a very short life,there is nothing to special on the bike,wot sort of price is it?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. It's an 898 - Ebay Auction
    He's sending me a video of it running tomorrow - sounds like he doesn't know much about it.

    jawa speedway bike 70s | eBay
  13. ok i will have a look,898 were a early 90's engine as far as i can remember.
  14. wot are your plans for it if you buy it?
  15. Just want it to add to my collection for an ornament as my youngest daughter is half Czech and they're the best bikes the Czech's made! Would have to have a play though!
  16. i would think around £1200-£1300 tops if you wanted to tidy it up the parts are cheap enough and still readly available...up your insurance if your going for a play they bite hard.
  17. Cheers, I realise they are animals :Wideyed:
  18. drop me a message if you need any advice cheers.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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