I’m not going to get into politics but the 899 is a wanted model and a great bike for the road. The same can be said for many bikes. Bigger isn’t always better I will have a think but it’s here and I’m not taking anything off it at the moment unless someone wants it in stock form, then maybe a deal could be done. Looking around 8k for this is giving it away. Looked at the mileage last night. 3800 miles.
Yeah, don't, there's a few on here who seem to think the 'kids' or the 'poor people' have the 899/959 because they can't afford the proper one. I sold my 848 Evo in 2019 and they were going for about £6k, clean ones now seem to be £1500-2k more, and going up, and tbh they were quite common, so it will go up a bit
Congratulations on becoming a father. Keep it. I did the same when my first child was born and then again when we moved house and I needed the funds for the restoration. You always get a guilt trip and believe that you'll never get the time to use it. You'll probably have someone nagging you saying that it's a waste of money just sat there in the garage. Don't listen to any of it!! I ended up buying again and paying a lot more than what I recouped on the sale. I kicked myself that I never kept my bikes. Even if you don't use it this year, you will use it again. It's amazing how quick kids grow up and how you can get a sneaky ride in here and there without upsetting the wife too much! The older your children get the more opportunities you will get. Look at it this way, it could cost you an extra £3k to sell now and buy again in 2 or 3 years time. It makes commercial sense to keep what you have, call it an investment!!
I've been keeping my eye on 899 prices for a while as I fancied an upgrade. The last season they were moving in bulk you could grab a similarly mint example for 8.5ish. Covid has obviously done weird things to bike prices though so if you are aiming for the 11k mark now is the time do it.
I recently bought a one previous owner, FDSH, '14 plate 899 with just over 4K miles on the clock + Termis. In immaculate condition. I paid £9,400 and was happy to do so. Massively regretted selling my 959 after not really using it due to work commitments etc and doing the whole can't justify it thing. This one came up and I was in a fortunate position to take advantage. I'd much rather have the small capacity duke which to be honest is still ballistic on today's roads and my non TT racer skill level. Don't sell it!
Sold my 900ss when the babies turned up, well 2 years later actually after seeing it gather dust in the garage & arguing with the missus about what the point of it being there was. Then got stuck in the cycle of (need a new kitchen/bathroom/bigger car/family holiday etc) Of course it had to be done in my case as I was the only wage earner at the time. Took me 11 years to get a Duc back, so think carefully-if you can afford to keep it, I would, but be prepared for the ear bashing!
But only if you are going to do at least 500 miles a year. Because we all know that the MOT and tax and insurance are not free. BTW in three years, there may well be another bike you like/ want just as much or more than your beautiful 899...
I would obviously love to keep it and I dont need the money for any projects as such but, for me, if I cant use it at least twice a month through the summer months then I simply cant leave it sitting there gathering dust. I know I will regret selling it but I do have a few other toys including other bikes so cant be too greedy! If someone wants it on the forum in standard form or as it is I'm happy to talk.
It’s a weird psychological quirk but people won’t pay as much for a bike with all of the upgrades as they will for a stock bike and then spend on upgrades later. Paying 11k seems like a lot to spend, but paying 8.5k and then spending another £1500 on wheels, £100 in that bit of carbon, £150 in that seat, etc doesn’t seem quite as bad. Then the following year an exhaust seems like a reasonable extra. In the end you might end up spending much more but it just creeps up on you and you don’t ever really tot up what you have spent until it’s too late! As others have said - those wheels, exhaust and shock would sell quickly and net you a decent return and the 899 would still sell - and now’s the time to get it on the market!
Well said but the wife will disagree! To be honest I’m one of those guys where I don’t like things around me unless I’m going to use it, if I’m not using it then it’s got to go.
it's a mad idea to take off the exhausts to sell separately, yes you won't get as much if you sell combined but it's one of the few add ons that genuinely add's desirability.