This gay marriage thing.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, May 19, 2013.

  1. I think its a load of bollox
    next they will be re writing the bible
  2. They have....its called the EU Court of Human Rights
  3. apparently when they get married it really is a load of bollox....

    ...not a fanny in sight lol
  4. They may just as well. It's not likely to be any less true.
  5. true, but there are plenty of c*nts...
  6. This poses an amazing question!

    Was the bible an early business model for the European court I human rights?

    I'm definitely not religious now.

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  8. So does the bible teach against race too? Isnt that the central theme of objection for conservatives? In which case it will only look as stupid and ignorant and it does or doesnt today.

    And remember, in the states where that pick comes from, its not that much better now than it was then...bit of snow in NY and clear the decks; half the state of Alabama gets wiped out and the poor predominantly black locals are still living in tents a couple of years on.

    Theres a joke about camping in there, but I'm not going to make it....
  9. This is such a waste of parliamentary and BBC media time and all at our expense. It should be a simple formality!! What really matters is that whilst the politicians have got the media running around in circles over this subject, their real issue is this; BBC News - MPs call for '32% salary increase' We really need to watch out for these slimy buggers hiding this during some other media frenzy as they will soon be looking for this years pay settlement.
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  10. unfortunately bradders, one can read any religious text and put the spin on it they need to justify what they do. Ultimately it boils down to individuals. If nothing else, religion for many people is a superb coping mechanism, adn religion and faith shouldn't be confused.

    On the flip side, we can argue that now that gays et al are part of the community, and doctrine says that all men are equel in the eyes of god, then there should be no prejudice in accepting them if they want to practice and active religion. But we're straying into a theological argument here.

    In christianity and Islam, the main objection against homosexuality is darwinism by any other name, in so much that they can't conceive a child of their own, therefore go against natural law. But again its all in the frame work of an "acceptable reationship", which in todays world can take many interpretations.

    Going back to the original point, I suppose it's getting down to what makes marriage different from civil partnership - what is it that homosexuals have crusaded for and won in reality that they didn't have with a civil partnership?

    According to Civil

    so all that's really been achieved is that the gay and lesbian community will be able to say that they're "married" and get to sign a register. So really I'm still a bit clueless as to the point of it all.
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  11. Why is that lesbians don't seem to make much of a fuss about being gay; but male gays are constantly shoving it down our throats?

    It's because they can...............................and the females can't.
  12. You need to come to Milton Keynes... A few weeks ago while looking away in horror as a mate dropped his strides in weatherspoons to reveal a palm sized Pokemon tatood on his left arse cheek, I spotted a couple of very cute late teen or early twenty something lesbians kissing passionately in the xscape in Milton Keynes. You don't see that in Berwick under tweed...
  13. Is homophobia the correct term? Phobia implies a fear of something, and is it more a 'homo-ism" rather than "homo-phobia"?
  14. A-Few-Words-on-Gay-Marriage-Gay-Lunch-and-Gay-Parking.png

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  16. excellent point, well made....and im not even a bender (although im almost certain that some of the clients ive fellated have been)...still, a gigs a gig right....Glidd?
  17. I really dont care to be honest. Marriage is an outdated concept so don't really see what the fuss is all about. I think this may be a case of people with too much time on there hands and want some attention.
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  18. all but the most cursory glance through the bible (whichever of the 1000 or so variations you choose from) will reveal that the bible not only condones, but orders the persecution of women, those of a different faith, death by stoning of just about every 'sin' going, rasicm, infanticide, genocide, rape, murder, stoning to death for those working on the sabbath (thats the NHS, manufacturing, the power industry and my local Co-Op fekked then)....vile document...the most violent and abhorrent work of fiction ever published..and its not even banned...

    Look at how the US gov treated the inhabitants of Lousiana when Katrina hit New Orleans..theyre still living in 3rd world conditions, and idiots like 'Rev' Jerry Fallwell said that they were paying penance for their immoral behaviour....typical christian bigotry for you..*yawn*...

    As we become more secular, we become more moral and the space left for these bigots and 'isms' retracts further back into the vacuum of ignorance, indoctrination, hatred and downright and common sense force back these prejudices, and with every racially, sexually, humanely tolerant scenario played out in every soap opera, novel and media scoop pushes the nay sayers further back into the stone age....i think they call it the zeitgeist....

    Some people are in front of the zeitgeist, some behind it (no pun intended)...this is why some are offended at the very notion of equality because they prefer doctrination and authority over logic, reason and love..others are offended when a black man and a white man are friends, or worse still, when they openly banter with each other and even place the 'race card' against each other...ditto between straight and gay friends....others see this banter as an acceptance of the others 'weirdness' or difference..when we can joke without hate or offence, then we have reached equality..whilst we are treading on egg shells and being PC it confirms that were not all there yet...but thats okay, because the zeitgeist is an irresistable force and one becomes a dinosaur...the next generation takes the next step with or without you...thats society..

    Amen my children....
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