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This gay marriage thing.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, May 19, 2013.

  1. :wink:
  2. Oh well. as long as it does not put my taxes up, and does not frighten the horses, they can all get on with it. But why, when you meet people who are that way inclined, do they always feel the need to bring it up in conversation? I feel the need to introduce myself as hetrosexual, so I dont really care what they are.
  3. How far does human rights go?
  4. They will keep going and going why people with too much time on there hands embark on pointless crusades.
  5. I probably wasn't explicit enough. Whether it is about the Church or it isn't, I am entirely in favour of gay marriage. For me, there should be no difference between straight and gay people as regards most of their rights. I'll get to the "most" in a couple of lines.

    As regards if it is natural to be gay, it's not a helpful way of looking at things. People don't choose their sexuality. That doesn't just mean whether you are gay or straight, it means that different things turn different people on. Some women find beards massively attractive, others can't stand them. You might find women more attractive wearing rubber or leather, or lace and high heels. You might find redheads hugely attractive, or a turn off. No one decides any of these things - it's a chemical reaction that you experience or you don't.

    The only thing I still have an internal debate about, is whether gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. Whilst I concede that there are many mono-parental families, it isn't something that is generally chosen as an optimal scenario. I think the optimal scenario is a mother and a father, whether biological or not. Thus to deprive a child of having a mother and a father - consciously and deliberately - seems to me to be probably wrong, no matter how loving the homosexual relationship is. I think the rights of an adopted child to have a surrogate mother and father is probably more important than the rights of homosexual couples to adopt children.

    But gay marriage? It's an open and shut case.
  6. up to the prostate gland presumably.
  7. This post puts my thoughts and concerns about same-sex parenting into a very passable nutshell. I literally cannot make my mind up about the issue. My gut tells me that a child needs a "strong" male and female role-model/figure in its life, but that's my gut. My head has no idea how to break that issue down.

    Gay marriage - civil marriage - with the legal/social/financial trappings that apply to hetero- couples ... of course that should be adopted in law. It's a no-brainer as a human rights issue.
    As for gay marriage religious ceremonies - why would you want to join a club that doesn't want you? Anyway. churches should not and must not be forced to carry out same-sex ceremonies if they do not want to, and nothing I have read suggests that they are being asked to do so.
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  8. Yeah right, like someone isnt going to sue because they are refused the service they want :rolleyes:
  9. I don't see that being refused service in a shop or guest-house* (for example) is the same as being refused "service" from a religious institution.

    I'm sure the Law agrees with me here. If that weren't the case, the Catholic and Jewish Churches would be bankrupted by legal actions from all the couples that were refused a church wedding.

    *I have my own opinions on this issue but not relevent to Bradders' point here
  10. I suppose that's reasonable. After all, otherwise you could sue a club that won't accept women, or sue a Muslim buffet for refusing to serve sausages.

    if you want to join a club, you have to accept its rules. If you don't like the rules, why would you want to join the club?
  11. Aren't they a Dr Who villain?
  12. It is so comforting to know that one of the best bands that ever existed were right. (Specials ; Pearls Cafe).
  13. What amuses me the most is the fact that the majority of gay people appear to be atheists, yet they want to get married in church........

    .........well, the latter part of that seems to be according to Cameron.........

    ..........but I didn't hear gays screaming out for it, so why is Cameron p*ssing about with it?

  14. Needs the gay Christian vote for the next election??
  15. Nver mind the b*llocks...........Cab Calloway was the best band.

    Only joking......Hendrix was the best.
  16. No, UKIP will slaughter the polls.....its coming, mark my words.
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  17. ...... A bit like the vast majority of people who have been married in church (me included).
  18. on this i disagree..
    any church, faith group whatever should not be allowed to use their get out of jail free card yet again to support their prejudices. if bills are passed into law then that is the end of the matter. religion is a veil behind which all manner of intolerance and hatred is sheilded..nowhere else in society is any type of prejudice tolerated, but play the god card and you can literally get away with rape and murder...the softly softly 'moderates', apologists and sympathisers leave the foot in the door, which is the gateway extremism and bigotry.
    No, a belief in a celestial dictator is NOT an explanation, reason, or excuse and should NOT be tolerated under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. because of this accommodation by society, the church has abused people and its power for millennia and im sick of the disparity.
    they dont pay their fair share of tax, are the wealthiest organisations in the world and the biggest landownersd..they want it all and if we allow them to use their magic card then we are simply coluding with them..they did/do it with race, slavery and everything in between..enough is enough....its because of this accommodation to the detestable and inexcusable that we now have to put up with human suicide bombers and have to take our shoes off in airports, and listen to hook handed crack pots spreading their virus on the streets of the developed world.
    Dont sign up to it, and dont be taken in by this so-called moderate stance.
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  19. how do you know if most gays are athiests?? theres plenty that are priests, and the entire christian faith is deeply homo-eroticcamp as christmas the whole thing is...thats immaterial..
    there are plenty of heteros who want to get married in church who dont give a fig about god..why? because a lot of churches are pretty, historic and they know how to put on a good show of solemnity....god doesnt enter into it...hypocritical? yes...but a sweet little rural church is more attractive and historic and lends a certain gravitas to the ceremony, more than a council registry office...
    Gay people just want to be afforded the same rights as everyone else so why not let them have it?
    if god was so right on why did he/she/it make them gay in the first place? its a crock and we all know it...
    whats more hypocritical are the non church goers and agnostics who get their kids christened, playing Pascals Wager....get a backbone i say...and leave the gays alone.
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