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This gay marriage thing.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, May 19, 2013.

  1. Says who? The invisible sky fairy?
    • Like Like x 3
  2. actually, it's between a moron and a woman, I think it was the Roman Empire that decreed marriage as a punishment for the lowly. but hey, that was two thousand years ago ...
  3. no, historical values enshrined worldwide

    that should not be messed with by politicians worldwide

    do what they want but it should never be allowed to be called a marriage.

    it just my opinion
    #143 Phill, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
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  4. Yes, marriage is betwwen man and women, where you invest your life and cash into a relationship only for it to be torn down by people that don't have the same views as you; but ultimately you lose all your cash.......

    ....I can tell you that from experience...............four times.


    At least a pairing between man and man can't really use the 'I have a child excuse', I guess.
  5. true. there were never any illegitimate children born out of a gay union lol
  6. I blame the straight parents - they keep having gay babies!
  7. hands up who made the conscious decision to be straight?

    News just in, it's the same for gay people. It's not a choice, its just the way they are.

    live and let live
    #147 749er, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  8. I think thats why they had the civil partnership/union
    but seemingly thats still not enough.. the minority twist on and want it all ways

    and usually tag those against as homophobic when in fact we stand for historic ways and beliefs from over 1000s of years
    #148 Phill, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  9. I'd rather not know their bedroom repertoire, thanks. :eek:
  10. Why not? You might learn something :wink:
  11. ;but you don't really do you, or would you also repeal sex and racial discrimination legislation, after all that's been the norm for thousands of years. How about medical advances, for thousands of years a cut finger could mean death but now we've got antibiotics, should we stop trying to cure diseases?
    It's bigotry and prejudice pure and simple.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. frankly your babbling on about shit.
    keep on subject
    its my right to disagree with something that I dont find right..and is currently not law and hopefully never will be.

    I wish gays all the best but my view is simple..marriage is between a man and a woman only

    I was quite correct I was sure someone would tag me as something because I dont agree

    people like you gives gays a bad name because of the chip on your shoulder.

    biggotry and prejudice my arse...
    dont ever go to a meet when im there cos ill kick you right in the bollox if your man enough to call me a biggot to my face lol

    I have an opinion as you do. we dont agree end of

    the difference is those that dont agree dont tag yous as anything when we dont agree...

    when you start to lose the argument its....biggots...prejudiced etc
    #152 Phill, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  13. [​IMG]

    Oooh get you the big internet hardman
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  14. point proven
    your an arse

    biggot. prejudice...

    what a prick
  15. popcorn anyone?
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  16. You display your bigotry like a badge of honour, wrapping it in inaccurate historical mysticism when in fact all you are doing is denying one group of people something because you disagree with their lifestyle while not applying the same warped logic to any other group or situation.
    You then resort to abuse and threats of violence when this is pointed out.
    And you can't spell.


    zealot - fanatic



    zealotry - fanaticism
    #156 shadow, May 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2013
  17. well I think it is clear for others to see who has the problem here from reading back over the last few posts. ..

    if someone has a viewpoint that doesnt conform to yours.... then they are a bigot or prejudiced and have issues with racial hatred etc etc until they agree with you.

    thanks for the englissh lesoon
    it really adds to yohr argument

    anyways must dash. getting my nails done and a spray tan x
    #157 Phill, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  18. What a shame that the thread went down hill. Every one had extremely interesting view points from which I gained a valuable insight and will find useful.
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  19. I'm sure anyone reading through the thread will be able to draw their own conclusions.
  20. Those Daily Mail readers don't half get upset when you wind them up!
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