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This Makes Me Very Angry......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Longdog, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. No, i haven't watched blm whatever that is ? I am only 70 so i was around 400yrs ago to stop / blame people for nicking stuff i never had . Glad thats' sorted now.
  2. You were around 400 yrs ago? Is that a hot tub time machine you got there or a regular one...
  3. 400 yrs ago .............. 70 yrs old now do the Arithematics Bradders.
  4. You wrote it fella, not me ;)

    so i was around 400yrs ago to stop / blame people for nicking stuff i never had
  5. ommited a question mark, my bad sorry.
  6. Now this has really rattled my cage, the person who has just bought a £5,000,000 house around the corner from 10 Downing Street and who has a personal fortune “in excess of £150,000,000 and who has major interests in an off-shore investment company has criticised UNICEF for giving £25,000 to a council which has one of the poorest housing estates in U.K., where a mother was asked “when was the last time she ate” and she replied “3days ago” because she couldn’t afford food for herself and her children. This person has a substantial country house in Somerset and is the MP for Bath and Somerset. His constituents voted to remain in EU but he went against then and is a Brexiteer. He dismissed the payment from UNICEF as a “political stunt”. I can’t print what I think of him but the first word is “political” and the second word rhymes with “stunt”.


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