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This waster has 44 previous convictions and he's only 21

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Stuff the woolly soft-hearted approach, incarcerate the little fucker. We took on a jailbird a few years back, mostly cos we knew his mother. Gave him a van, taught him a trade, paid him bloody well, and for a while he did well. Only for a while though. One night on the pop and he wrote the van off, roundhoused one of the bosses, beat his mum and resisted arrest - straight back to clink. He's been out and back inside again in the meantime. Shame, cos he was a nice lad, and picked up the job well. But he ain't ready to let his demons go. Tough shit then, back to the cell you go.
  2. Agree. This country is too soft on these petty criminals. Lock em all away in a cesspit of a jail... Same goes for the criminal bankers!
  3. use him as an ied detector. give him big heavy boots and ship him to Afghanistan. that will maybe teach him respect for the forces. the wee fecker.
  4. National Service was all well and good in the 1950's - we had much larger armed forces then and the general attitutde to authority was different. The armed forces have enough problems these days coping with the people who actually want to serve, without trying to sort out society's low-life. Part of me says "let a couple of Paras or Marines take him down a dark alley and teach him a lesson" - but would that really achieve much? Carlos is absolutely correct - this sort of behaviour stems from a society that really does not care about how people behave and that, at least in part, comes from the sorry state of the education system. Sadly it is probably too late for this particular miscreant. Changing people's behaviour is a massive undertaking, but it can be done: Rudi Guilliani's "broken window" plan and the "zero tollerance" policy transformed New York. The clean up of Singapore (seen as Draconian by many at the time) improved the life of the average person immeasurably. Unfortunately I do not see anybody, from either end of the political spectrum, in the UK who would have the drive and determination to achieve anything similar...
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  5. There's nothing we can do for the current crop of petty villains (or at least very little), it's what we do now to change the tide that counts. It'll take a generation to start seeing results. Don't ask me what the answer is, though, I really do not have a clue.
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  6. Castration...... At least they won't then breed another generation of fuckwits :upyeah:
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  7. Actually that's not a bad suggestion.
  8. Never forget the plethora of 'professionals' who earn a living from 'working with' and making excuses for these individuals.

    We need a carrot and a stick; define standards, reward good behaviour and punish bad behaviour, it really is as simple as that.

    It is, as someone pointed out, intergenerational, so stop providing those who exhibit bad behaviour with the means to bring up the next generation of miscreants. Yes, it would be difficult and it will get worse before it gets better, but the welfare state is the cause not the solution.
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  9. Hopefully by the time the current generation of f*ckwits get round to ruining the country, I'll be long dead, or at least nearly dead..........

    ...........oh, sorry, they already are..........

  10. Here's another then....
    Find an island that's as far away as possible, that has an indigenous population that has no concept of ownership or possessions, with wildlife that will horribly kill you just for being there. Send them there. Give some of them guns. Wait for a century or two and.........oh..hang on...that's been tried :rolleyes:
  11. i would say 44 pre cons are cock all compared to some of them out there……….hell you can TIC 44 offences in one interview…...
  12. It's a shame private Rigby couldn't see the fuss being caused in his name. A little bit of clink will do the lad no harm.
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