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Three Songs - One Year

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Not sure about "rock", but a great band nonetheless. Breakfast in America was an awesome album, but Crime of the Century and Indelibly Stamped we're classics, especially the original album cover of the latter!!! Reminds me of the Tats & Piercings post!!!
  2. Wow. is it for sale?

    My mate's cousin was lead guitar. Before they became well known, we used to go to watch them at Bogart's, Birminham New Street on Saturday lunchtimes. Late 1970's. Happy days.
  3. I know one man's meat is another man's rissole, but all the same... After an endorsement for Supertramp, I just feel constrained to say that they must be my top of the pops least favourite band.

    It's the plinkety pink piano and the hideous fey vocals that just do me in.

    Always loathed them - just can't find any redeemng features ("Dreamer.... Nothing but a dreamer").

    Sorry. I just can't help myself. There are so many crap bands, admittedly, why the loathing for Supertramp? I dunno. Just one of those things.

    My apologies.
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  4. 1975, albums. Bought from earnings from my paper round (£1.25 per week).
    Physical Graffitti, Led Zeppelin. I remember watching the cartoon to Trampled Underfoot on my mate's black & white TV. Awesome. The OGWT was brilliant.
    Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd. Heard it on Alan Freeman's Saturday afternoon radio show just before release. Skived off school the following Monday and queued to buy my copy. In my opinion, Floyd's finest album.
    Blood on The Tracks, Bob Dylan. My girlfriends brother played guitar and listened to lots of Dylan. I bought this album when it was released to find out if the hype was justified. It was! Earlier albums were even better, subsequent ones seemed to peter out somewhat.
  5. No probs, I have an irrational hatred for Strauss waltzes and hymns. There is no bad music, just listeners preferences.
  6. I guess that's fair enough, although you do allude to a whole can of worms, to whit: what is art?

    As for your choices: no quibbles with any and the idea that WYWH is the Floyd's best album is an argument that has an awful lot of mileage.
  7. I notice no-one's mentioned Marc Bolan.

    He was just before my time, but everyone around me said he was a genius, a game-changer. I tried to listen to him but all I heard was a pile of crap.
  8. I dunno about 3 songs, but I once watched a movie called "Nine Songs" :eek:

    Was great music tho' :biggrin:
  9. when I say 'somewhere' I think its in my ex's attic along with my Marillion picture discs


    not sure I want them back but I could get the kids to look - but I'd have to explain what an album was first let alone a picture disc
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