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Time Travel

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Ha do not get it?
  2. @ Char - very good ! @ Lucazade - Sarah Connor ? No ? OK...
  3. She's my doppelgänger - spooky
  4. The hour before I had my first f### , If I'd have known it would be over so quick, I'd ave ad a wank first.
  5. Time travel is possible & funny you hit on a problem you can only go back in time for an hour! I'm living proof as I'm from the future but I've been busy so only have 10 minuets left before i transfer back to the future! catch u next time around maybe?:wink:
  6. Your ten mins is up Chris ,see ya wouldn't wanna be ya.
  7. Git it Char, cool.
  8. [​IMG]

    Me (some while ago)



    Couldn't find the doppelgänger thread
  9. That is spooky Char. You're a red dinger for Linda Hamilton there!

    Which is odd cos I had a red dinger for Linda Hamilton, too.
  10. Time traveller
  11. Who's there?
  12. Knock knock
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Who's there ?

    fooph !
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