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Today's little trundle out...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Yes that bloody tyre!!!
    I have to wait for a weekend to take it up to get sorted :(
    I use Autofit as I live by there and they know me !!
    They know me due to the Astra I try and keep alive :(
    I have to keep the Astra alive as can't afford a better newer car as the bikes sap all my money :)
    I use them for car .
    I do know though they will not fix punctures after my brand new rear got a nail in it the day after fitted :(
    They would only fit a new tyre.
    But I'm afraid I couldn't justify it :(
    Not on a new tyre!
    But yes they are great blokes .
  2. I don't eat seafood..........
  3. All I can say about my weekend bimble was there was a inordinate amount of lycra clad cyclists about - one brushed my bike and me as he undertook while I was waiting for someone to make it to the other side at a pedistrian crossing - grr
  4. Many road users don't realise that you cannot drive across a ped crossing whilst a pedestrian is still using it (I am aware of the regs regarding ped crossings with traffic islands in the middle). I have never seen a cyclist who appears to know this - although I refuse to generalise and say all cyclists are the same :wink:
  5. Also.........you have to give way to pedestrians using the pavement when you are using the dropped kerb to access your property.....the vehicle owner doesn't have an automatic right to use the dropped kerb.....it is, in its basic sense, a licence granted by the highways authority to cross the pavement......

  6. Prob wasn't them then (I hope) - they're bikes came from Braintree.
  7. I know it well.......used to work there and had a couple of bikes from there too....

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