Stop fuking up the muslim countrys and creating an " enemy " for millions / billions / trillions of tax payers pounds / dollars to be spent on the millitary industry and some of the younger folk will not be so pissed off !!!!!
All Irish catholics are terrorists. Must be. The IRA are terrorists and they are catholics and irish..... From popular names to Islamaphobia in 1/2 dozen posts..
Well this is it. People from NI in the 70's and 80's with a catholic name were eyed with huge suspicion on the main land. And if you see young thuggish muslim men today they are eyed with the same suspicion... Human nature will always predjudice and tar many with the same brush. People and media aint getting too excited about Jews, Hindu's, Scientologists etc cos they ain't hacking peoples heads off and blowing people up. Unfortunately I can see a huge problem looming large. It isn't going away any time soon. We're all doooomed... Anyway, more importantly, some bastard knocked the head off my snowman last year.
Oh errr ,, the jews killed 2000 mostly civilian , many women , children and old , in 3 weeks of bombardment of civilian areas just a few months ago ,,,,,,,,, but hey , that dont count ????????
Bury yourhead in the sand ifyou like. Its nothing to do with islam. Its to do with a reafy supply of i pressionable ypung people, same as hippies, students who marched agaisnt poll tax, blah blah blah. Difference is, they are eaching a change to our culture, society and laws which uses force and terror to make us adopt. The irish didnt. They used these tactics to take back a land grab of NI as much as it was a religious battle. They didnt want England to beholden to Catholicism.
I'm not burying my head. I understand the problem. Its nothing that our western christian society hasnt faced itself, most notable during that period no one expected. The Spanish Inquisition. Now the solution is always to let them get over it themselves. Anything we do seems to make matters worse. Meanwhile people die unfortunately. But Radical Islam is doing a pretty good job at alienating Muslims themselves. There will never be an Islamist UK. Never in a million yrs. They can try but better equipped forces have tried and failed. Never underestimate the resilience of the British. But we cannot, in a secular and free society, banish Islam. No matter how crackpot its ideology is. Its a consequence of our tolerance and our rights that we fought for for many centuries. Thats what makes us stronger than they could ever be.
The last three names above only hint at the religion of the named person but when it comes to the faith of the first name surely we are under no illusion.
Bradders, your fingers are very fat and you don't have an iPhone that corrects you as you go along. I got "reafy" as "ready" but I'm a bit stumped on "eaching". Someone who targets completely innocent civilians, going about their lives, deliberately in the name of whatever bloody cause they like, is a terrorist in my book. Very little (or no) difference between nail-bombing IRA Catholics, or beheading Islamist jihadists. Scumbags all.
I wouldn't call my kid Jacob, any more than I'd call him Esau. If it's not followed by something like "Apfelbaum" it just sounds odd. I wouldn't call him after a film either. What's wrong with Celtic names like Kevin?
That could be a bit like calling your kid Suffolk or Hertfordshire. Mind you, that always sounds good in Shakespeare (where I think "Lord" is understood).
I quite like Jacob as a name and certainly wouldn't have worried about any religious connotations had I used it to name a son, plus who's mentioned Essau up to now? ; )
Urban Dictionary, December 3: on a thing I am David. All other David's fall in march as we conquer the world. For a new Earth of peace void of general stupidity.
So does that category include RAF pilots dropping bombs on German cities in WW2, or not? And if not, wherein lies the difference?