No, I'm not; I justify what I say to the extent I think necessary. In this thread, I have drawn attention to some inconsistencies in an ethical position. Anyone is free to respond or not, as they think fit. Links to what? You give no clue what you are referring to.
Ok so the difference is you deign not to respond when you make indefensible comments whilst others will take the time to respond to justify their own position thus fuelling your ability to cleverly crucify them? I am happy to show quotes that you have made that you have then made a conscious decision not to respond to. Evidentally taking the intellectual high ground as the 'posters' are beneath your intellect? Is that what you mean by ' I think necessary' ?
Sometimes people choose to post self-evidently nonsensical drivel on some thread - which is fine, if that's what they want to do. Neither I nor anyone else is under the slightest obligation to respond pointing this out. Unless we choose to.
More white British people than Muslims have been jailed for terrorism in the UK in the past decade Maybe we should be more concerned about the naming of children Wayne and Barry
And if that person posting the 'self Evidentally nonsensical drivel' is yourself? Then why should you be above being challenged? I know I post drivel however I don't pontificate or attempt to intellectualise my posts.
Really interesting post. Would that be terrorist acts, like planting a nail bomb, or wouod that be plotting to blow up the houses of parliament? Glidd...both, since ios8 my browser is fucked and doesnt do spell checking plus my fingers are fat. The comparison v IRA is not the actions taken, more the intention behind them. One wants its land 'back' wheras the other wants every other land to be like them No different I'm sure to the crusades or whatever, but I like to think we have moved on as humans in 600 years :Banghead:
Page 4 and all I've read so far is total bollocks. If we're analyzing kids names at such a high level, surely we should be looking at the bottom of the rankings? I don't recall every kid on the estate being called Adolf back in the mechanical war days... And why are we linking childrens' names with holocausts anyway? There are a very few people left in Britain who think that this country stands alone, a proud island nation that stands apart from the rest of the world. That's bollocks too, and has been since the invention of the boat. We've had muslims in this country for probably two centuries, and my kith and kin are still white and still speaking English.