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1200 Tough Decison

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by grin factor, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. I love my 2011 MTS. No issues at all, apart from a blown fork seal just after I got it.
  2. 22K trouble free miles on my 2010 (with some factory recall work). It did go a bit tits up at that point (electronics) but was sorted and has done another 8K trouble free. My advice would be to go for it. Jyst look for full dealer service history and check ALL recall work has been done, not just servicing!
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  3. As previously said , just go for it, it's a great bike. M&S do a winter service discount which could save a fortune on a belt change, the only trouble is you would have to wait until next winter to have it done. Try and buy one with enough time/ mileage to see you through to winter.
    If you are buying from a dealer try and negotiate a discounted belt service in advance.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. I have had my MTS 1200S since late 2012 and done 13,000 miles. I have had no reliability issues.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Fork seals seem to be the issue that pokes it's ugly head every 6 months. Got some Kriega fork seal protectors on mine now so will see if that stops it. Apparently ohlins use fork seals that have minimal resistance against the fork surface, and also let dirt get under.
    • Useful Useful x 1

  6. Have you bought a bike yet, I love a story with a happy ending ! ❤️❤️
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