I asked about pressures only coz on my 1198 i went down 10psi front and back and it was sweet as. But Ill do as you guys suggest. So i'll also take foot pump and pressure guage with me. Which means another bag (wifeys adidas bag, dont telll her coz oily tools will be in it)
im doing my second ever trackday tomorrow with a few of the loons here... happy to call you over the weekend to share my thoughts etc if that helps
Set your tyres and just pin it and don't look back. Let the people behind worry about what's in front and you look after the people in front of you. And sign up for a few 0% credit cards.
The number of people I used to see bin it on the last session trying to get a PB on worn tyres I would often leave before the last session, more tired than you think due to the adrenaline of the day and faced with a long trip home most of the time.
Exactly, first session is fine for sighting laps, then best to come in and let the others "time attack" on a cold track, cold tyres & cold muscles. Peak just before lunch, then spend the afternoon finding the photographer for the all important social media posts
My plan is softly softly catchee monkey. Take it easy, warm up tyres and learn track and find braking points. Then try to speed up slowly. Im not after any times. (as long as Im faster than my mates)
Trackdays are easier than ever to get wrong at the mo, I was people watching at donnington yesterday, watching some novices with mates who are like "just follow me and do what I do", or "just don't brake until that line" etc, I think the thing with trackdays is to make sure the bike is spot on, even for a beginner, not brake pads with no life left or fluid that's been in the bike 3 years, chains etc that want to make a bid for freedom because as a beginner there is no spare capacity to think about managing sub-optimal bike situations. Then I think it's about picking someone who has experience, maybe even thinks a little like you do, and has your experience as one of their priorities, so genuinely cares about helping you to enjoy it and learn from them. Avoiding riding with groups of mates should be the absolute priority, for my first 5 or so trackdays I actively avoided riding with my mates on track, now me and my mate can lap round together and push each other on and it's good fun. My qualification btw for the very first statement is that at Donnington yesterday there were 60 bikes out in the inters group.... 60 Bikes!!
Brand new C&S=check Brand New Brembo pads = check new Brake Fuid inc clutch = check new oils = check tighten fairing screws again = check New Tyres = check throttle dismantled and greased = check My mates and I never race each other. We're all pretty good at that. Besides 1 mate has 2007 R1, the other a new MSport Sthou fully blinged. Mate 1 is fast but on older bike and bog standard. Mate 2 is slower but on fast bike. Me Im average on a 1299. Im prob as quick as mate 1 on equal machinery. Mate 2 cant corner, is a point and squirter and leans on electronics. I prefer corner speed, its where i get my fun. I dont care about top end. I care about getting in, round and out quickly. I'd prefer corner after corner tbh, which is why I love the alps. Long straights bug me as high top end makes me nervous. I've rarely been there on roads.
Here's my sage like guidance, gained from years of observation at foreign TDs... 1.Get properly fucked up the night before at the local Spanish titty bar. 2. Arrive late for day one briefing and sign on. 3. Moan like fuck that everyone else is a c*nt for not making space for you and your chums in the already stuffed garages. 4. Miss the sighting laps, then go out mid- morning in the fast group, after all, you're 'well fast' at the local bike night, as well as saying so repeatedly on facebook. 5. Immediately get bumped down to novice. 6. Moan like fuck for the rest of the day, blaming your shitty bike and its shitty suspension. 7. Repeat step 1. Have a lovely time....
Hmmm, I like Nelsons analysis. But I dont really drink. I'm not into booze. I'm a chiller. I dont mean Im a big box that sits on a roof with coils and fans. I smoke weed moderately and responsibly. Ie I dont get wasted. I smoke enough to get modestly chilled and relaxed. I treat it like alcohol in the sense that no riding within 8hrs of last puff. So, does anyone know any dealers in Almeria where I can get a £20 bag of green? (No, not Percy's purest green either) (Plz i am joking. I dont want any phone numbers of Carlos the local bigwig drug baron) Tittie bars? Meh, I'm 56. Ive seen enough tits in my life. I'd sooner have a cup of tea. Besides I'm going along with the biggest pair of tits I know. My mates.
Won’t race your mates? Don’t like a beer? Seen enough tits? A right barrel of laughs your trip will be
Depends on TDO and how many they rent off the track. With UK TDOs it can be an extra 65 euro for three days for a tiny space.