you daft bugger,he'll have had more than that....Gijon Poole about 300 quid one way,add 40 gallons of squirt at 25 mpg to get him to Gijon and then from Poole up to York? Thats only about 500-600 nicker all in,and no hotel costs if you sleep across the tolls if he's going on the long boat,he charged you about £1150 in sterling so no tip required really.Having said that I would have wanted double,as I have to pay tax and N.Insurance LOL
but there's the seville to gijon bit. that's knocking on 1,000 kms. still, not complaining. the only thing i can find wrong is the glass on the scanner's smashed. but that's all. blade got over unmarked so job's a good un.
I included the Seville-Gijon bit then Poole-York bit,40 gallons is 1000m/1600kms minimum possibly 1200m/1920kms if he's careful...Either way you did good mate,glad you got it all back at the right money too.Well done!
. must admit that i shat myself at first thinking the worst. but in the end, all went well. would recommend them.