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Trip To Italy - July 2016

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Pete1950, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Stayed in Colmar last night, a fine old French-German town near the Rhine. So on Friday I rode about 550 miles plus the Tunnel crossing. A tiring day, but I'm OK. That's the plain terrain out of the way, so today I head for Germany and the Austrian Alps. Planning to cross the GrossGlockner tomorrow.
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  2. I am in Innsbruck now (Saturday), staying in a Gasthof on a hill overlooking the town - stunning views. Crossed the southern part of the Black Forest this morning. When I reached Friedrichshafen, the historic home of the Zeppelin, I was amazed to see an actual Zeppelin airship floating overhead - they maintain one for tourist rides over Lake Constance, apparently. I took the tunnels through Austria, and there are a lot of long ones, but tomorrow I intend to take the high passes. After the Grossglockner I plan to go to Cortina in the Dolomites (sounds like a Sixties car showroom, doesn't it?). As usual the Multistrada hasn't missed a beat, but now even the fuel gauge is working accurately.
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  3. Has your camera packed up.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. Here is the view from the Gasthof terrace this evening, looking south over Innsbruck towards the Brenner Pass. I hope the mountain goats don't chew on my saddle ...


    ... and here is the corresponding view from the town looking north. You can just see the hotel in the centre on the hillside:

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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. The last time I went over the Brenner Pass it was raining and very foggy, I didn't see a thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. The last time I went over the Brenner Pass it was by car with Mrs1952 + our children 1988 & 1990. But the Grossglockner should be more interesting, I hope.
  7. Love Cortina but only been in the ski season. The Dolomites and in particular the Sella, are beautiful especially when the sun shines and is going down. Sounds a great trip.
  8. It's a perfect fine clear sunny day in the Alps today. Warm and still, with not a cloud in the sky. I shall head for Kitzbuhel in a minute, and then the Hohe Tauern.
  9. This is a typical view near Kitzbuhel.


    And this is where you arrive at the Cortina town boundary.


    I found I was a bit too early to stop at Cortina, so I carried on to Belluno. Staying in rather a nice **** hotel, the Europa.
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  10. This is the town theatre in Belluno, as seen from the gelateria where I was scoffing a very large ice cream -

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  11. For some strange reason this is the first time I have seen this thread. Excellent news, have a great trip, more photographs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. 20160711_120355.jpg
    Today I took the road from Belluno to Agordo and then over the mountains to Fiera. Fantastic roads, hardly any traffic except for bikes. This is a typical view near Gossido.


    These are the vehicles used by the Italian Forestry Commission.


    At the top of a pass you usually find a hotel/restaurant/bar of some kind, and you usually stop for refreshment. This one is typical of the local style.


    These bends drop down a lot more steeply than they look, I found.
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  13. I am staying in Vicenza for a couple of nights, so I can do some sightseeing during the day tomorrow - and get a rest from riding. There are several superb 16th century architectural masterpieces near here, mainly by Andrea Palladio, which I have long desired to take a glance at. Chief among these is the Villa La Rotonda, the original of a much-copied design. A close second is the Teatro Olimpico, the first ever theatre to have a roof, and again much copied since.
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  14. Hi.Peter, Pleased to hear you are Ok.Was in Austria on the Triday weekend , end of last month and never realised you where doing a trip this year.Would have gone to World Ducati and waited to meet you.Anyway have a great time.Ken.
  15. Hi Ken. Austria's great isn't it? Actually I didn't go to WDW this time, as I had a very important medical appointment on that date, which I really did not want to miss. And which was good news. Pete.
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  16. lucky man
  17. ... and here is La Villa Rotonda, as at this morning.







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  18. stay there last nite,, ? ok i suppose for ov nite..
  19. These photos are of the Palazzo Chiericati in Vicenza.




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  20. These are some views of the Basilica Palladiana which is in the Piazza del Signori in the centre of Vicenza. It opens for visitors each day at 3 pm (sic).



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