just a little story not wanting to start a war. my neighbor got called out in the middle of the night 3days ago to sort a central heating fault for the local police man. only there 10mins so didn't charge him. yesterday the ginger jobs worth gave him a speeding ticket for being 7mph over the 50 at glen coe. karma will prevail.
If you put out enough bad press eventually everyone will believe it flat earth syndrome. Police like most public services are being hammered by the con dems Mr cameron has a particular dislike for police something to do with the sheey report into terms and conditions from 93 so my mate says. Police like most are just human and to most it's just a job paid that pays the bills all jobs have sh.t people in them and wrong ens police no exception. What was the lsdt good news police story you heard Flat earth not all bad.
"yesterday the ginger jobs worth gave him a speeding ticket for being 7mph over the 50 at glen coe." Which bit? I thought nearly the whole of the Coe was 60 unless you were driving an HGV or the like
I trust the Police but don't have any faith in the legal system and those that represent and make judgments whatsoever. Mostly a bunch of opinionated old farts whoare so far up their own rectums and equally base their judgments on outdated values and a sense of self importance normally far removed from public sentiment values.Look at what some of them wear and the very trendy wigs too.I rest my case .
Just got a link from Twitter listed all coppers that have been charged with offences since 2009 some linked to police work some not. Like alll society.some bad offences rape and drugs child porn. 1356 officers charged since 2009 sounds a lot but it's 1% of the total roughly 130000 cops in England and Wales don't know how that compares with others. Hard to say if it really bad or okay or just represents people today
No real opinion there. Saying that about undercover cops having sex with other women. WTF how is that an offence. Unless they forced them (aka rape) those women agreed. When most of them said they had sex under false pretences as they were lied to well WTF you stupid cows think happens in night clubs every weekend. Most of us lie and say anything and everything to get a score that is also under false pretences.
Well it is an absolute fact that I would let lots of people get away with murder as long as it made sense
just after glencoe village going towards ballachuilish.. also changed speed limit between ballachuilish hotel and kentallen. they patrol there regularly.
v.true . just a wee heads up for the discerning biker. changed recently from a 60 now a forty then fifty. on an otherwise fast bit of road. the patrol sits in a wee lay by at kentallon. popular bike route. wouldn't wont want anyone losing there license through lack of knowledge
Accident blackspot? New housing estate crossing? Or local plod short of funds and targets...cynical moi?!
i think every corner up here is an accident waiting to happen for those that really don't know it. very easy to get carried away. there has been some criticism on the radio yesterday, police scotland as i think its called now and regarding tactics being used in rural locations since it became one large force. the locals don't like change.