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Trust in the Police

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Hmm, blinded by politics are you Pete1950? The civil service is just as corrupt and reeks of the old boys club syndrome. Maybe its best they clean their own house up before besieging others.
  2. Not in Petes world! :)
  3. I said it again!
  4. Agree with you. Unfortunately a lot of police now seem to have a big attitude problem - maybe the job changes you?
    I,m a relatively law abiding oldie with only a couple of speeding offences in my lifetime but have to admit that recent trivial encounters with the force have only served to reinforce any prejudice I may have.
  5. Unfortunately I feel that society is getting the Police force it deserves, bearing in mind, the Police reflects the society it oversees.
  6. The police have lawful authority only to arrest people under certain defined circumstances, to search property under defined circumstances, and to do certain other things such as give directions to traffic which drivers must follow.

    "When they tell you to do something"? The police do not have any general authority to tell citizens what to do and what not to do. Citizens are perfectly entitled to disregard anything the police say, except in the limited circumstances where they have specific lawful authority.

    Unfortunately a number of police officers seem to imagine they do have general power to order people about all the time, and to oppress anyone who does not obey. Therein lies the problem. But as I have said, a growing list of past abuses which the police have swept under the carpet are now being brought out into the open and dealt with - this is a highly encouraging sign. Rather like the Catholic church, actually.
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  7. We lost our Police force in the early nineties, we have a Police service now, similar to social services. They are now trained to accept abuse and refer to the criminals as "sir". Pre early nineties, they were trained to dish out kickings etc but the criminals did not like this and a complete overhaul was administered. Nowadays, if you are a law abiding citizen, generally the only contact you will have with a police officer is when you are the victim of a crime(probably commited by a "Sir") or a petty motoring offence.
    With all these changes over the past couple of decades, the person wishing to become a police officer has also changed. Nowadays you are more likley to see the bullied picked on school weed with a chip on his shoulder in a uniform rather than some large strapping bloke that you would tend to take notice from. The lesser male (or female) would rather deal with mr and mrs average and bung them a non endorsable than deal with the rough council estate scum bags that generally make other peoples life a misery.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. You're wide of the mark there, Luca.

    Rape does not only mean forcing someone to have sex by means of violence. It can also be rape to induce someone to have sex by fraud or deceit. If a man's entire life and identity is based on deceit (like an undercover policeman) and he induces a woman to have sex with him based on total misrepresentation of who and what he is, that arguably amounts to rape. I understand cases are pending, so do not want to be any more specific.

    When you go down the club on Saturday night trying to pull, better be careful what you say!
  9. post 66 is that he means by policing by consent?
  10. only he knows what he means....
  11. +1
    And that has always been the case.
    Basically any act that makes someone have intercourse against their free will.
    Male on female or male on male.
    Including being too drunk to consent or fast asleep.

    The details of the case I know nothing
  12. Me bloody everybody. When I go to club to pull and hot women says you look familiar are you that X guy from TV? I reply yes with warp speed. If it gets me in it gets me in.
    When I tell her she is smart and beautiful, after having 15 min chat, i am obviously lying about smart part as I cannot know that so again. It is the same everything you pull.

    I would never get laid if I came and said hi I am Lukas, I am slightly fat (in club would be well built story), I rent my place let's go there (in club let's go to hotel as I can afford it), I work nights in hotel (in club I am a banker/sales/soldier what ever).
    Well lied, lie and future generations will lie to get laid.

    If she did not want to have sex with him she should have said no. If he then insisted and did it well other story.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. I once knew a lass who slept with an alan shearer lookalike.

    I wonder if she could sue him lol pmsl...
  14. Im getting screwed at work all the time. Is that rape?
  15. I'm glad I'm not a spy. I'd only ever be able to rape people.

    I knew there was something fishy about James Bond.
    He'll be next.
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  16. It's generally not police officers per se that are the problem but police senior officers. There is a saying that they are promoted to their level of incompetence. Most coppers are hard working and dedicated however they have to abide by what their 'superiors' tell them to do, targets etc; constant re-invention of the wheel. Andyb is right you can be a free thinking copper but I guarantee you will not make it past inspector in case you upset the equilibrium of the service.
    Promotion comes to those prepared to play the political game.
    They don't lead they dictate, they don't know how to police with common sense ( that right was withdrawn in 2003).
    Some decent coppers stick it out for the pension and get ground down and some of us go fuck this for a game and move on.
  17. Baldyboy it is same as in any other work place. If you play the game you will progress faster and higher, if you think outside the box (and it happens to be different then people above you) you will be worse off. In many ways it is miss universe contest. The more they like you......
  18. I regularly deal with both Hants and TVP in a professional capacity and have to say that I have had no issues or concerns whatsoever in all aspects. However,I do understand Pete's original comments which is likely to have been aired in order to add a bit of banter which has been lacking for a couple of weeks don't you think...................;)
  19. Shit. Ive deceived just about every woman Ive ever slept with.
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  20. i think he did as well.
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