i wont defend the police service .but i will defend myself ..in my 25 odd years ,,i've been swore at lots had my mother abused things like i'm going to rape your mum etc ,, been spat on..and in the face ..punched, kicked had gun pointed at me my collegue got the gun smashed into her face .she never returned to work .i was slashed with a knife as i attempted to arrest a armed robber who slashed my collegues face leaving him with a horrendous scar for life .i have seen the most horrendous sights, car fatalities, dead babies, murder victims train crashes burnt bodies people run over by trains,just deal with it and go to the next call or incident there is always another call stay on hours after you have finished your shift to deal with paperwork .i honestly try to do a honest job .when giving evidence in court we are now treated like suspects ..lots of damage has been done by some 1% of idiots in this job .new officers with thier targets haven't got a chance ...they are so tired by Polictical correctness they are not allowed to use common sense they have to book so many people..thier line manager will be on thier backs if they dont ..and they will get disciplined if its not by the book .i leave my personality in my locker and become a robot its the only way not to get in trouble ,,and all this without a pay rise in 4 years no promotion prospects and having to pay more towards my pension meaning a actual cut in pay ..and with less of us out there ..i'm lucky i got a office based job recently ..i was at the end of my tether .we are easy targets no one fights our corner our commisoner is a politic puppet ..dont feel sorry for me i could have quit but you get sort of caught with staying in for the full term for your pension which was a attractive one ,but has been changed for all new officers ..rant over least i got a bike course out of it that was fun
Paul, fabulous resignation letter, as for the above it is sadly the coppers lot for anyone not on a fast track, or prepared or willing to play the political game. I could have stuck out to collect my pension, but having just short of 14 years and seen how the job had changed beyond recognition I felt like your colleague and got out. The best thing I ever did, I use my qualifications gained as a forensic psychologist of child sex offenders to really make a difference to children and young peoples lives, without the bullshit and political games forced upon the service by people who have no idea of the reality of front line policing. The same people who judge how successful you are by ticking boxes, my main gripe is that the H.O. are clueless and force officers to ensure that RSO's are managed effectively by ensuring their compliance and if they are arrested then this goes against the H.O. guides of effective management. You are forced to turn a blind eye to offending (which I could never bring myself to do). Back on track the question posed by Pete actually has some relevance in todays society, unfortunately when criticism is raised towards the Police rarely do you get an honest appraisal from serving officers, it tends to be that they close ranks and respond with sarcasm, attitude and they perpetuate the stereotypes of the service and what the Windsor report highlighted. Are the Police more accountable today, yes they are, do they have a way to go, yes they do. Not a criticism, more an observation. I still have the utmost respect for the front line and yes I still occasionally get wistful about the job I left, do I miss the petty bureaucracy of middle and upper management. Nope. Good luck and only 5 years more to go .
1) after 25 years of sorting out other peoples shoite you really think you are going to get anything other than a cynical response.. 2) its a bike forum and to add to that a negative thread from a negative bloke….you really think you are going to get anything other than a cynical response.. 3) i agree with most of what Paul has said….but whats the point here, you really think anyone else is going to give anything other than a cynical response… 4) "left" after 14 years………………..you really think you are going to get anything other than a cynical response…
I agree with glidd, the press don't care who they destroy, it just do happens the police are the current 'flavour of the month' the vast majority, especially at street level are hard working and do a job we should be highly valuing and respecting. I wouldn't want to imagine life without them.
I agree with glidd, the press don't care who they destroy, it just so happens the police are the current 'flavour of the month' the vast majority, especially at street level are hard working and do a job we should be highly valuing and respecting. I wouldn't want to imagine life without them.
recent experiences my wife and I have had with the police after she complained to a neighbour about excessive noise leave us with no confidence in the police whatsoever
I have to say that this thread was started on 1st of April and the very recent posts should give most an idea of the general frustration felt by many who may be in the trade and/or other similar "trades".There is also a general feeling expressed by some that which may not be felt by many others on here.The recent opinions expressed by those in the trade should be taken to show that things have changed and not in a way that is they are happy with.This is a public forum and certain things are frankly ,not best aired here. Right,thats the bottom line so here's my view. FFS,get a life some of you.....................
As it happens,I don't agree with the OP,at least with regard to his negative stereotyping of the Old Bill. Whoever I meet/have met/are going to meet,to me they are a member of the human race. Whatever else they are is just dressing-up,whether you are a famous musician/you wear a crown/or a uniform,underneath we're all the same....we're born,we eat,we shit,we die. Some human beings will defend you to their last breath/give you their last quid/go miles out of their way to help you And others will tell porkies/rob you blind/stab you in the back/do you down at every opportunity. And the percentage of good/bad is exactly the same in every walk of life/every uniform/every school/everywhere. So there will be loads of good,honest,hard working Coppers,and there will be some right lazy bastards/time servers/arseholes etc. And those arseholes have the power,(and sometimes the desire!),to royally fuck somebody over....it happened to me once,a long time ago,and the Copper came horribly unstuck over it. But I've never held it against the Filth.And I'd still back the majority of them to do the right thing. C'est la vie..........
Indeed, this is quite encouraging. If police officers have found recent developments not to their liking, that affords some reassurance to the rest of us. Perhaps the traditional stitch-'em-up-and-sweep-it-under-the-carpet ways may at last be coming to an end.