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Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Richie Rich, Oct 29, 2013.

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  1. It was you that started the confusion.
  2. Eight pages , I've not seen BVG's review , but flicked through some pages and will crack this thread open on New Year's Eve , I reckon the fireworks here should be outstanding.
    Keep it going please , it seems to be a bellend fest in here . ;)
  3. I'll do my best:biggrin:
  4. Huh.

    My first post was slating the fact that people jump the gun and start calling people pricks based on a video? Even though the video was clearly sold as a review of the 1199 as an everyday bike? NORMAL people do like to own a modern sports bike and use it daily, even if nipping to the shops. The review was comparing the fact that nearly every other manufacture of superbikes produce something that can be used on a daily basis, all of the poor points of the 1199 in the video are true? Then people start commenting and giving their expert opinion even though they have never even ridden one! So why bother posting was my point? The point being in my eyes is they don't like BVG and have a dose of the green eye! Simple! Ok so another angle could have been "Don't like BVG and his reviews but can't say if he's right or wrong as I don't know shit about the 1199" but NO, they have to call the bloke a prick! So I thought right to jump in and give a taste of what you people serve up to others! Then said people have to make themselves look cleaver by more name calling and picking on people's grammar and spelling for fuck sake, how very mature! So this is what boils down to "discussion" on this forum! As I say the place is spoiled by a small minority of users who troll and cause trouble among new or not so common users, you Fig being one of them! No need for it IMO, some people like me don't want to read prick, fuck this, fuck that but SOME of the users here have lowered the tone of Ducatiforum.co.uk IMO and the tone will stay, it will get worse as that's what happens, so you have created the "air" of the forum and now it stinks of shit.

    Edited as tablet keyboards suck!
    #204 Andyd, Nov 9, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
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  5. And then you come along and start name-calling everyone on the strength of a single thread...

    Can you see the irony?

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  6. NO I don't as it was already on that road! Get it!
  7. (Clearly not, then).
  8. Moderators, you are half to blame for the bad air on this forum as you allow people to swear and abuse other users whoever and wherever they are from.

    For what ever reason I don't understand why you have not stopped it here and in many other threads.

    Others will call it freedom of speech I'd simply call it forum rules that keep a nice tone to discussions.

    If rules were in place and policed by the mods the forum would be a better place IMO.

    Feel free to use me as an example..

  9. Wait! Come back!
  10. Firstly, thank you Andyd, RixyDuc and others on here for being welcoming to me on this forum.
    Im used to internet BS and you do get used to it after a while, but thank you for stepping up. You just have to learn to accept that sadly, some people are impossible to have rational conversations with.

    I wasn't going to come back here as a few of you have shouted very loudly that you are not interested and you think im a cock. I have zero issues with people not liking me, its impossible to please everyone. On a personal level, its not nice to hear that from people who have never met me, but shit happens. Even if I please and entertain 1% of the motorcycle community, I still see that as a positive.

    This thread is such a good example of how the internet makes people feel anonymous and that what they say is all in the name of shits and giggles and it doesn't matter. I see it like this: I was seen as a "no-name" easy target to slag off and get "respect" from other forum members. Its classic group bonding stuff. Now here is the funny part, I have got multiple PM's off OTHER reasonable (and nameless) Ducati Forum members saying they were sorry for the behaviour of the members on here and that they ALWAYS do this stuff. The great shame of that is they feel they cannot post those feelings ON THIER FORUM because the dickstains on here will rip them to shreds and just never give up due to last word issues. That IMO is not anywhere near a decent forum, how can it be? Its just a waste of time, ruined by mindlessness - and even worse, mindlessness of those who have no idea.

    So Figaro and FunkyRimpiece in particular I say - Even though I think you have displayed some really poor standards, id still stop and help you if you were stranded on your bike somewhere, because I am not a cunt and have respect for all the motorcycle community.

    PS - im Dylsestic too! perhaps there is a link between this and a life on 2 wheels...
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  11. Based on your videos, I stand by what I initially said. You put yourself up for critique by posting them for all the world to see, and in doing so you have to realistically expect some flack for it. Be honest with yourself; the very act of publishing your own narratives by video on the world wide web is a very narcissistic thing to do. Far more so, I'd say, than merely spouting shit on a forum.

    And yet here you are now, name-calling just like the people you are trying to rise above! Buddy, welcome to the gutter.
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  12. ^Last word much?... as I was saying...

    I think you will find every single post on this thread from me has been 100% respectful and polite.
    The rest of your comment is again another way to keep weaving a web and wriggle around.
  13. it is now youve finally rocked up..where were you?

  14. Really..?

    You've really forgotten this already..?
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  15. Crikey! I wanted to have a post on this thread, but I wanted to read it first. It's been filling up faster than I can read it.
    Strange. This is by far the most aggressive thread I've read on here for an age - not really indicative of the forum as a whole, it seems to me.

    I personally like the Baron's videos. They amuse me. And I thought the review on the Panigale as an everyday bike was interesting and pretty fair. My take out was:

    Pinches your hands against the tank in a tight turn (they all do that sir). You get used to it.
    On-off throttle response. Wouldn't surprise me. I found the big Streetfighter like that.
    Nervous front end with poor feedback. This has been highlighted by others - notably ChamMTB. It is a supposedly less Ducati-like Ducati.
    Weight on wrists. Well, probably no more than any other Ducati super bike and I'll bet the 916 is worse (having had one for 50'000 miles)
    Heat fries you. Amply amplified by many users
    The heat shield is an afterthought and looks horrible. It is and it does.
    Easy to get the menu to pop up inadvertently.

    It looks great.
    People notice you on it and you feel sexy and special.
    Fast (but not as fast as a couple of other things).
    An involving motorcycle experience. But maybe too involving when you just want to get to work and dodge traffic.

    I admit to not having ridden one, but none of this really comes as a surprise, from reading all about the Panigale on here.
    The likes are common to most Ducatis (though some of the looks are debatable). The dislikes are also common to many models of the marque (heat, weight on wrists, poor turning circle). These balance out in favour of the Ducati for many, myself included, and not for others, which is fine.

    But the Panigale is very expensive and seems to have few performance and handling advantages compared to other bikes in its class. If it really has a bit of a naff throttle and doesn't give you much feedback (very unlike Ducati, this, but again I found the same with the Streetfighter) then I wouldn't be in that much of a hurry to own one. It will be interesting to see what the 899 feels like to ride in comparison.

    So I can't really see how that makes the Baron a twat. I think you have to keep a sense of humour and an open mind looking at his videos. Sure, the Panigale isn't going to be in its element commuting into London on a greasy road, but then you often have to put up with your Duke in less than ideal conditions. And it would have been good to see a review of the Panigale scooting around Europe, where the criticisms would maybe have been more valid. But then greenlaning a GSXR wasn't exactly putting it in its element either (and that video was very funny).

    I just think that the Panigale vid was interesting and added to the Panigale debate, and it was amusing in parts. I don't take it personally when people slag off Ducatis and in this particular case, there seems to be an underlying sentiment of disappointment: the Baron wanted to like it a lot more and was sad that he doesn't.

    i really can't see what there is to get upset about.
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  16. Well said that man. Could not have said it any better myself. Have a biscuit.
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  17. Okay. For the record I've let this thread run for a few reasons. Firstly I have nothing against BVG, in fact I respect the bloke as he has already forged a niche in the world wide web with his videos. He clearly has an audience which enjoy his stuff and as the owner of my own website, I say well done that man. It is not easy making a name for yourself out there on the web and yes it is a lot easier to criticise that it is to create. I will also say that on the whole he has defended himself very well on here, but I also see the argument that he puts himself out there to be mocked and critiqued. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

    All those who know me, will know that I am very anti censorship. I will however draw the line at racism and personal insults and sometimes the use of the C word (mainly if I see it in a post). Now this thread is full of personal insults, but I frankly don't have the time to start editing each and every post in this thread and subsequently emailing each poster explaining why. We are all adults on here. I will acknowledge that there are some forum personalities and I can also see how some will see that they take over the place. Being negative about any and everything does get very tired very quick. Now I'm not saying that is what I have seen on forum as a whole, but clearly there are examples in this thread.

    I do not want to close this thread down. Yes, the original title of the thread is very confrontational and maybe that was the idea. Its gets people in to discuss. I don't know BVG nor the vast majority of members here, but I'd like to think that if I had the chance to meet, we'd get on, just as I do with the vast majority of people I meet, bikers and otherwise.

    I'm curious to know which threads you think Ive closed down thou. There have been some which have been personal attacks on other members and if they have been closed down, its at their, or the authors request. This isn't like the old place where things just go missing.

    I know we have lost members over the years who just want to talk about bikes and nothing else. This is why the forum has the different sections. If this sort of thread started kicking off in say, the Multi section, then I'd be in there like a shot, but this is in the lounge, the bar of the forum. This is the place where members have free reign in what they get to talk about. If anybody wants to discuss EastEnders, movies, food even the state of the NHS, then this is where they can do it. I can not and will not stop people talking about what they want to talk about.

    Now, back to the point of this post. Everybody has made their opinions very clear, but some have been somewhat scattered, picking up people on irrelevant points. If I can ask one and all to draw a line under all this, I would be very grateful. I really didn't want to start my Sunday morning acting as a voice of reason (well trying to anyway)

    If anybody has any questions or suggestions for me, I'll happily receive them. Thanks MMB
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  18. Sorry Matt:frown:
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  19. oh and Ive just noticed, this thread is in General Discussion, oh well, too late to move it now :tongue:
  20. Well, I reckon we've discussed quite a lot in general...
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