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Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Speed_Triple, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Just back from a run to the Grosse Glockner and back which was excellent , but the OE Scorpion Trails are now completely shot.
    Can I ask what you guys are paying for a pair of PR3s' as a ride in ride out deal ??
  2. Just had a quote from Ride In Tyres in Reading for £275.
  3. I paid 280 euros for a pair of PR3s fitted in Colmar during the last week.

    I previously bought a pair from Round & Black (or might be black circles, cant remember) for £235 delivered.
  4. £283.40 for Pilot Power 3, micheldever tyres
  5. Thanks for those numbers guys. I've just ordered a pair from Steve Lynhams place in Swindon for £280.00
    Also included in that price is sorting out the rear brake with new fluid etc while the wheel is out.
  6. PR3's on mine and happy....done about 4000miles and still looking ok.

    REAR TYRE AT 4000m.jpg

    (most of my miles are done straight up) ie often on the mway, and yet no real flattening off.
    Scorpions are rubish.

    REAR TYRE AT 4000m.jpg
    #26 Multi rider, Jun 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
  7. Michelins are my number one choice but I find it hard to agree that the Scorpions are rubbish, in fact before wear set I was very impressed even in the wet. Better wear rate would have me tempted to have them again.
  8. I think this is the first post I have read sticking up for the scorpions. Very commendable sir, good for you. Your wrong by the way but good on you.
  9. Well I agree with you, the scorpions are NOT bad road tyres.
    I can say with certainty they have plenty of grip in the dry because I have pushed them, in the wet I do not push any tyre. The magazine testers praise them also.

    When a set of tyres are worn and you get new boots, you will always get a boost in performance and this can make you think the old tyre was poor IMHO.

    Having said that, I am going for a set of Pilot Power 3 on Saturday :wink: because I expect to do 2,500 miles next week and I have read the Scorpions wear rate increases as the tread goes down. Had I not been going away, I would keep them until they were worn out.
    #29 DonaldDuc, Jun 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
  10. That's the big difference, to be fair the Michelin is par excellence, the Pirelli just good. Certainly not rubbish though and up to around 2000 miles I was impressed wet or dry, rubbish I reserve for some of the Dunlops that came OE on Yamaha R1s in the 2006 era...... :) Tbh the Pirelli Scorpion gripped good enough in the wet to have a very capable track day rider backing off when trying to keep up with the Multi in the wet, on a recent Scotland trip. The remarkable thing about the Michelins is how they hold their shape and perform to beyond the wear bars. Numero uno IMO for a road tyre.
  11. As a compromise tyre Scorpions are fine. I ordered a new set yesterday and they'll be fitted on Saturday ready for my departure on the 10th July because there just wasn't a better option on the market for the type of roads I'll be riding on some of the time.

    I'll probably go for a dedicated road tyre as soon as I get back and keep the part worn Scorpions for the next time I expect to be riding on shit roads but until someone brings out a better tyre with a 80/20 road/off road bias I'll keep using them.
  12. When I asked everyone seemed to be impressed with the PR3s.

    In the end though I got a cracking deal on some Pirelli Angel STs that had to be worth a try @ £160 for a pair.

    800 miles in I have to say I'm impressed. Compared to the Scorpions they have a much more linear, smooth turn in. Loads of grip in the dry and good feel from the front under braking especially in the wet (the grooves are very deep at the front).

    Grip and feel on corner exits when accelerating on the shoulder is excellent giving loads of confident too.

    So far the wear has been minimal and they say they should last 6000+ miles so that sounds perfectly plausible.

    I terms of style ( I know, I know) the rear in particular has minimal grooves down the centre band so looks very sporty for a touring tyre. I like the look of them on the bike and to be honest the PR3 front always looked funny to me. I know it isn't that important but I'm a detail freak.

    Overall very impressed, for the money impossible to beat but they do suit the bike, seem to work well with the weight of the bike and rider and my style of riding (100% on road, aggressive riding style, heavy braker) so I would probably look at another set in future.
  13. I don't understand why this still comes up.

    There is nothing wrong with the pirelli scorpions. I've been using them most of the time, both solo and two up on trips.
    I only fitted PR3s last week because they were easier to find (I have used them before too).

    A number of us ride MTSs in my club, and no one appears tohave had a problem with the Scorpions. They only seem to change because they either prefer the look of the sports tyre, or get a better deal on them.

    I guess if you can ride to the limit of the tyres in all conditions then there may be a difference, but i get pretty close imo and have never had a moment to doubt either. When the roads get slippy everyone has a moment, regardless of tyre, or indeed bike.

    In practice I find the Scorpions last a bit longer, but they start out with more tread depth, so no real cost benefit.
    Neither rear tyre lasts much beyond 3k (and often not that many) miles for me.

    Possibly the only noticeable difference it that the PR3 tread pattern carries further around the tyre. This means I get to the edge of the Scorps easier than the PR3s, but they have never let go despite some fairly progressive riding, and its generally with pegs touching anyway.

    With regard to Angerl STs, used them on my other bike and work well too.

    So to all those with a set of Scorpions on the shelf that your not using, give me a shout, I'll use them for you if the price is right (and your localish) :cool::upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Ooops! £303 fitted at Kingston Tyres (West London) but I was desperate as I'm leaving tomorrow and they were very helpful (unlike a gaggle of Ducati dealers) over the issue of the (£50+) 55mm special socket needed to remove the rear wheel and had one couriered in at their expense from Portsmouth to do the job. So they get a massive thumbs up from me. They even said they'd try to sell my two-thirds worn Scorps (to whom I can't imagine. But apparently they sell worn tyres all the time) and take their value off my next set.

  15. £303 was for PR3s!!
  16. Quite a strong price that.
    wod be interested to hear how much they want for your part worn ones.

    have a good trip :upyeah:
  17. My mts booked in this Saturday for PR3s. I was going to fit the 2s but 'apparently' Michelin will be discontinuing the 2s soon, and they are already a bit harder to source (Michelin rep). So at the risk of an non repairable puncture and ending up with odd tyres, I have elected to go for the 3s. It will be interesting to see how they hold up for shape on my two up Alps trip...
  18. How many of those recommending Scorpions work for Pirelli?

  19. Richard, I don't work for Pirelli if that is any help.
    wish I did with the number of tyres I get through though ! :rolleyes:

    I'm not sponsored by Ducati either, or anyone else for that matter, just incase your wondering. :smile:
  20. Not for Pirelli, I work for a large car and motorbike dealership.

    Truth is that most tyres are going to be more than sufficient for most riders its just personal choice and budget.

    Can most of us really notice tiny subtle difference between tyres... probably not but new ones are always going to be much better then the worn / squared / tired ones you took off?
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