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Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Dave, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Never

    2 vote(s)
  2. Sometimes

    21 vote(s)
  3. Most of the time

    5 vote(s)
  4. Always

    8 vote(s)
  1. Bike has the benefit of acceleration to minimise the time exposed to danger.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Indeed. With care, attention and foresight, it is possible to undertake a car before it can possibly create a problem for you - all you need is a modicum of speed (and of course, you must be careful not to be caught by El Plodicia :) ).
  3. minimise not eliminate, and reduce reaction time/speed/distance combination, should driver choose exact ( the wrong) small time window to make his move.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. legislation was brought out last year to enable prosecution of lane hoggers,,, enentually the authorities are waking up to the menace of the middle lane " pale riders " . ( as they are refered to on another forum ),,, personally i " pass in the empty lane " regularly. interestingly / topically i passed a line of traffic , including a cop car , which were all hogging the outside lane of a dual carriageway yesterday ,, ok speeds were around the 30 mark which was the limit on that stretch,, no action taken..;)
  5. I believe that undertaking a car is a lot like trying to avoid a pheasant in the road. You need to be going sufficiently fast to ensure that the bird brain you don't wish to collide with hasn't the time to do something stupid and/or suicidal.

    I worked out some time ago that 97mph is fast enough to avoid striking a pheasant that isn't in your direct way when the idiot thing spots you and makes its desperate bid for roadkilldom.

    I haven't had the opportunity to fully test the undertaking scenario. Nor will I ever do so. Officer.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  6. maybe cause the the car was doing round 80 ? still he should have moved over given the other 2 lanes were clear and he wasnt passing
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  7. I see plenty of bikes filtering Inbetween the middle lane and outside on the motorway, have always wondered about the legality of it?
    Anyone know?
  8. From what I can tell, the rule is: If a copper sees you, he will decide whether the manoeuvre is dangerous or not - the element of danger is determined by whether or not he has hit this month's target of "collars". If the copper is coming up short, this will go to court.

    If this goes to court, the magistrate will weigh up the evidence. If the evidence suggests that the magistrate's wife, mistress, pet goat, whatever are not putting-out enough, you will get hammered with a "driving without due care & attention". If the magistrate has recently contracted an STD, you may even get a "dangerous driving" spanking.

    So the legality of the filtering manoeuvre is firstly determined by the officer's quota status.

    I trust that is clear!
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. quite the cynic today loz
    • Love You Love You x 1
  10. Mmmmm spanking....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. If the middle and outer lanes are stationary or moving slowly then it is OK if your speed differential is low, otherwise I think you are pushing your luck, with both your safety and plod.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Thanks :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Filtering safety is less a case of relative speeds and more a case of the exact disposition of the traffic in the two lanes in question.

    If both lanes are nose-to-tail and separated from each other by a wide enough margin, you could travel at quite ridiculous speeds whilst filtering. I have tested this extensively when I was young and foolish so there is anecdotal evidence to support this.

    If the traffic in either or both lanes has gaps of more than a car-length between cars in the same lane then filtering, even at moderate relative speed, becomes quite dangerous.

    The question of speed whilst filtering is not the most crucial consideration, even though it is quite important and should not be ignored.
  14. you make sense... if there are space's large enough to accommodate a car , chances are a car (with out indicating or even looking) will try to occupy said space.... even though there is no field position to be gained.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  15. Although cars are nose to tail, as they move off immediately create that 'car space gap' and esp. if one lane moves whilst the next one does not, which your experience ( good fortune?) notwithstanding, makes an 'instant' possibility of cartastophe (sic) if travelling at speed

  16. Although cars are nose to tail, as they move off immediately create that 'car space gap' and esp. if one lane moves whilst the next one does not, which your experience ( good fortune?) notwithstanding, makes an 'instant' possibility of cartastophe (sic) if travelling at speed
  17. Bloodly funerals!
  18. Have you recently been up in front the the bench?
  19. AdisonLee minicab drivers make Black cab drivers look like saints.
    The police should just drive out in an unmarked car down the A4 or any road in London and they could get all the moving traffic offences they wanted.
    Any lane is for overtaking.
    Indication is optional, normally to tell you that they moved into the car length you left for braking. They aren't there long, as another 20' space in another lane will be along in a moment.

    Then to the outside lane of the M4 coming out of town, regardless that all the other lanes are empty and they are only doing 65.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Anyone surviving Britain's roads today is relying upon good fortune. However, we can discuss just how much luck is involved.

    If traffic is stationary, gaps will open up, much less predictably than when traffic is moving. It's a useful and sensible caveat to my statement.

    However, with traffic that is moving, patterns are more easily perceived.

    Disclaimer: Nothing of what I have posted should be interpreted as encouragement for anyone to go mad-bastard filtering :)

    No sir. I have never been in front of the bench :)
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