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University and Degrees...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Back in the day when slave labor was acceptable :) How old are you? is your license still valid thought they expired at the age of 70?
    My first job was at 13 washing up in a hotel kitchen.
    I had the DT125 a few years later
  2. used to pick tatties as a kid, wash cars, do me grand parents garden (massive) kids min, dont know their born.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. All we need now is Alf Garnet to drop by and give us his views
  4. think he's chilled out now by the sounds of it.
  5. Younger than you, but igrew up in the country and the law of the land was loosely enforced...thank god.
    Two paper rounds, job on the farm and local gardening jobs.
    Never cleaned cars, no one did around my way.
    I was frequently caught riding on the road (10-15yrs old), with a crash hat and gloves.
    Our local copper used to take the keys off me and make me push it home. 7 miles on more than three occasions!
  6. Obviously dead bored with our thread
  7. this sounds all to familiar.:upyeah::smile:
  8. nah, just met his match.
  9. I get the same story from my mum, she was in the fields working at 7 yrs old out in Italy, then at 9 working as scullery maid which of course taught her whats in store for when she got married :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Q. Is @Vince899 now @Cupid Stunt ?
    I think we should be told!
  11. Might be! then again I might be Henry the mild mannered janitor ..... Honk Kong Phooey
  12. The Gas man from Neasden in unmasked!
  13. need a q and a sesh to confirm.
    Q,1. are you a south coast bum boy?
  14. He's had more different fanny in the last 6 months than I had in the whole of my thirties...and forties.
    #214 AirCon, Dec 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  15. No comment
  16. Yes Paul I is Vince cant keep my old user name as bike is now gone so thought I would go for something totally unrelated and more in keeping with my mental state :)
  17. you know, i was thinking this last night.
  18. What ? That I'm a Stupid C........
  19. Has your avatar just seen you leave the shower?
  20. you knows it.:Angelic::smile:
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