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University and Degrees...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Meh
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  2. w3rd....
  3. K bbz x
  4. A bit like NVQs. Easy to get. Mean fuck all except in organisations that like box ticking......open pop corn....
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  5. Anyone mentioned the Degree from the University of Life yet...:rolleyes: :upyeah:
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  6. Yeah, managed to get my Phd from there!
  7. Would like one, don't have one nor the patience and inclination in my 40's to devote all my spare time doing one. But my son will be: first in my immediate family and will be essential when he's looking for proper career in 6 or 7 years (after his doctorate ;-) )
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  8. Same here, though I did complete 2 years of a mech eng degree at umist then dropped out due to being in the states working (in fact that was the last straw and I quit the job). Mini me is being encouraged to go to uni (sic) and obtain a decidedly academic degree in case his acting career entails flipping burgers at BK (not even McD's!). Anyway uni is cheaper that private education so role on getting out of school son.

    PS, tom rowley - the average earnings quoted by the press for the UK are bollocks, there are so many people earning grey money the average is significantly higher.
  9. Just like to recount my experience. 14 years in RAF as a electronics tech, left in 96 on redundancy. I did 15 months as a field engineer in the audio visual industry, then got into medical equipment. I now am running a $7 million a year business and out performing my degree qualified colleagues. I put most of this success down to the skills I learned in the mob, and the confidence to apply them.

    One other thing I've found valuable is that, despite my peers going to University, they don't understand how to lead. Even your basic lance jack could do better than a lot of the mangers out there. You do have to knock off some of the rough edges, soften your approach, and loose some of the military bluntness, but ultimately you will be successful.

    i always look out for ex military if I have a vacancy. Good luck, and keep positive.
    #70 Duke of Stow, Dec 30, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
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  10. They may require a certain type of thought process, but in my experience quite a few non ex-services staff are what we call "Educated idiots". A degree in history may qualify you for the position, but not the role.
  11. Does he know where Cambridge is……….or is just a name he was given...
  12. leaders are born not created……..
  13. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King
  14. those that can do, those that cant go to uni…...
  15. Whilst it is true that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear leadership skills, like any other, can be taught and improved upon.

    Wrong. Some do and some don't.
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  16. some do..dont
    some will.. wont......

    I feel a bit shawaddy waddy coming on :p
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  17. Be cool man.You don't need to go to University to earn a good living,so only do it if it really floats your boat.
    My advice? Start something you like doing and then put your own name on the door.
    Theres no challenge in being told what to do/where to go/,or spending other peoples money,(and then some nameless shareholder going to be living it up on the profit from your efforts for chrisssake).
    The Western world is awash with dosh:if you've got half a brain and you're not scared of work,some of it will find it's way into your pocket.(The economy is well on the up as well,just the right time for a smart feller to enter the job market).
    You'll be reet :upyeah:
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  18. Whos going to teach a leader to lead . Hes either leading or he isnt.Whoever is behind him cant teach him anything as he, or she , is still catching up . Leaders ar naturals .
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