I'm not denying the 1199 has higher quality parts but that has nothing to do with build quality, that's spec. I think that most people who bought the 899 could easily afford the 1199. My reason for buying the smaller CC was because that's my preference, I mostly ride on roads and enjoy stretching the engin through the gears, I would love it if there was a 2015 RVF400 on the market! The fact is that 1199 riders want to justify spending the extra cash for the "better bike", and 899 owners are keen to prove they have made a more frugal choice that equates to more fun on the road (and track for us mortals)
So it's took us 10 pages to decide that the 1199 owners think our bikes are best and 899 think there's are best. We're a smart bunch. One thing we can all agree on is that whichever you buy I'm sure you'll love it.
Only having ridden the 899 and my 1199 is in the garage still with no miles on it yet because weather is so shit, I can honestly say I love the look of both of em, however I do prefer the mat black colour as it looks so mean.
If you think 899 vs 1199 is bad wait till the 1299 appears. FFS, It'll be a 3 way argument 899 vs 1199 vs 1299
Yep totally agree with d8mok, 899 under powered, 1299 over powered so the only real bike is the 1199 smack bang in the middle
Will do,bike is stripped at the moment and not looking pretty,slowly getting parts back now after the christmas break.
I think the 1299 will be the one to have. New Ducati 1299 laps Mugello in 1:55 - IOL Motoring | IOL.co.za