I’m multi tasking here and had to Google cev. turns out it’s the Confederation of European Volleyball. I’m now stuck looking at ladies volleyball and it’s your fault
I think those glasses are a bit too rose tinted. If you had mental health problems, like she’ll shock, you were at best stuck in a prison with others who are the same and at worst shot for deserting. More jobs were manual. Now they are machine led. More high carb diets, years of sugary marketing campaigns, poorest get shittiest food, the art of cooking has mostly disappeared in the last two generations. Genetics affect many things too. Some are naturally able to maintain healthy weights, some aren’t. As the food becomes less healthy, the genetic problem becomes exasperated. Hence an explosion of obesity. Plus kids don’t really do sport in many schools now. But did they ever really? Once a week - is that sport?
If you look it also suggests almost no other respiratory deaths. It’s suggesting death numbers removing covid are 10k down at least on the average winter period of 6 weeks or whatever it is.
It’s 34k or so more than a regular year so considerable increase. In years past, there have been years where it’s been higher tho.
I have no Rose tinted memory I’m afraid it was what it was. I’m not sure why you’re referencing getting shot for desertion, I think we’ll agree to disagree in this very circular conversation and I’ll go back to scrolling through your comments bladders, hoping you do the same for mine.
Much of the dumbfuckery (outside of Westminster) appears to be in the realm of the young/millennials, I've lost count of the number of them that I've seen jogging/cycling or sat in cars with masks on. They appears to be enjoying the drama of it all!
SWMBO booked hers through one particular online service and was able to book her second at the same time. I booked via a different online route and could only book the first jab. Apparently I have to wait to be invited for the second one.
I was given the date for my second appointment on the vaccination card they gave after the first one. Andy
I did not say life expectancy - I said deaths per year Adjust the years on this sheet to see the data better https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/GBR/united-kingdom/death-rate This is the graph though, deaths per 1000
If the people are living longer, less are dying per year, until life expectancy ceases to increase? All these numbers are all reliant of them being per capita and historic events that took place, birth rates etc
That has confused me lol. Not sure what point you are making Jez? All that chart tells us, is that the average deaths per 1000 in the UK, is still lower now despite the Covid situation being here for the last year.
I'm suggesting the numbers of people dying is indelibly linked to the amount of humans alive in a country. The number of males who could become part of the death toll in a given year post WWII would be an extreme example. The number of deaths in a country that had a population explosion would be dramatically affected compared to a country that had maintained a stable population.
We have been steadily increasing and roughy the same birth rate since the 50’s, with a decrease since the 80’s iirc (haven’t the data to hand but have looked at it recently). I often do, to try and understand what and why the govts of the world are doing what they’ve done. I am still to find any data driven reason when you look over any extended period and you look at affected people profile. Other than fear of public reaction as things are far more transparent now and news spreads in minutes and hours not weeks, months or sometimes years. back on thread, and I’m one who has helped drift sorry, yes I’d have one to travel abroad, no I wouldn’t for U.K. based activity of any kind unless it meant restrictions for me were at the level they are now but for others they behave no restrictions
Sorry I must be missing something. Had my jab 18th of Feb. Given a card with vaccine type batch number date of vaccination. My name was added to the card and I signed a usual disclaimer. Next vaccine date on the card. Card printed with NHS all over it. Registered details with the NHS. The card is credit card size and I am requested to keep it in my wallet. Why would any other passport call it what you will, be needed? I can pay for any service contactless with another card with my name on it. Just as easily faked/stolen and requiring no PIN number up to a small limit. Any one wanting to see the vaccine card is welcome to do so. I also have a brand new European health card. No photo, just an NHS number, my name and date of birth and expiry date. Why more?