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Valentino Rossi and linda Morselli

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Il Presidente, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. It's odd that just having a male friend you grew up to and are close to immediately makes you a homosexual (as if it mattered).

    Sounds like homophobia to me.
  2. And I thought I was supporting Rossi - whatever his sexuality...
  3. Had this argument in the office the other day - There's a chap that is working on the same project that I am who minces round the office all day shoving his homosexuality in everyones face... I called him out about calling me 'dear' and 'honey'. Why do homosexuals think it's ok to shove their homosexuality in your face all day and as soon as I questioned it I'm branded homophobic???

    I'ts not as if I go round shoving my hetrosexuality in his face all day!! :mad:
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  4. Agree with you. But not all homosexuals are like that.
    I work with one - who is a little effeminate - but to be honest, I didn't know he was homosexual until someone was commiserating with him about his splitting up from his boyfriend. I thought the guy was just a flatmate.

    Yes, many homosexuals do use their sexuality to define who they are and never let you forget it, but by no means all do. So it's not a good plan to tar them all with the same brush.
  5. What has been homophobic in the posts so far? There has been mention of people's belief that VR is homosexual but none of it has been derogatory unless you take exception to the terms used or you think the mere accusation is offensive.
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  6. So, homophobic then
  7. So far we have had him referred to as having “a hint of the Tom Daly's” being a “fag” and a “poo denter”. Hardly the most provocative of terms and really more amusing than anything else. I would have thought these things are only likely to cause offence to the more sensitive of folks who probably need a good dose of reality.
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  8. do you mean fudge packers??
  9. I understand the spirit in which the comments were made. You could also argue there's nothing offensive in the terms nig-nog, paki or spic. Unless you happen to be on the receiving end.
  10. I understand the spirit in which the comments were made.

    You could also argue there's nothing offensive in the terms nig-nog, paki or spic. Unless you happen to be on the receiving end.
  11. Or grey haired, or lanky, or white, or Brit, or English, or Sweaty Sock, or old. All of which can and do get applied to me, and all of which can and do get used in a jokingly offensive way. There's no harm in it unless I decide to take offense, and who would be to blame for that?
  12. Oh here we go... The moral high grounders. The PC brigade. The 'I'm so offended' brigade. The 'new men'. I suggest you flog your bikes and get round to your local WI meetings. This is a bike forum ffs.
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  13. If anyone called me English I would be extremely offended.

    Fag, fudge packer etc is offensive because homosexuals have been oppressed and persecuted. The terms Brit, white, lanky etc do not apply to a group that has been persecuted. Unfortunately.

    However, the terms used are mild and 99% gay chaps would likely brush it off with typical humour. But its a fine line and a line that is perhaps best avoided. I understand that no offence is meant, however there is no guarantee that offence hasnt been taken. Perhaps when whatever group you belong to has been murdered, subject to extreme violence, imprisonment, exclusion you may take a more enlightened view. Its a tricky one and probably best left alone.

    This is a public forum and we may have gay gentlemen and ladies amongst us.
  14. Fackin pillow biters causing all the trouble again!...:wink:
  15. I'm from an Italian background, and was called a wop whilst growing up in the sixties and seventies. It never bothered my parents, me or others in the same situation. We just got on with life and did the best that we could for each other.

    IMO the race card is used (and abused) far too much these days by people claiming to be racially abused. My experience is that the vast majority of people in this country don't have issues with people who work hard, regardless of creed or colour. What they do have issue with is people that are bone, idle, spongers that abuse the system that we have in place to service those more unfortunate than ourselves.
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  16. Its not about PC. Its about respect.

    And Radi, I have no doubt your arse has been fingered at some time in the past.
  17. Yeah! And she did a good job! Doorty biaaatttccchhh!!
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  18. Another one of those threads.... *sigh*.....
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  19. Got the fright of my life when a bird did it to me, many yrs ago...
  20. Ah but Boots, I’m offended by your being offended at being called English. At least that’s what the English bit of me says; the Scottish bit thinks it’s really funny!
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