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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Totally agree with the housing issue, i have 4 sons that could all do with a reasonable home at an affordable price and until the demand/supply balance is corrected this wont happen.
    I dont think this is a capitalism issue now but if we ate all the cows we could build houses in their fields. Sorry i was just trying to get back on track.
    To be more serious for a moment, does anyone believe that if we didn't eat farm animals that there would actually be any farm animals. They are only there because we eat them.
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  2. Would you like to be electrocuted first or just shot, sir?
  3. Having said that I've slit many an animal's throat and It appears to be painless.. or at least not as violent or distressing as one would imagine...
  4. Houses are only there because we live in em....
  5. There is no alternative. We have built a house of smoke and mirrors that binds the hands of the oppressed. Etc.

    If there were no farms there would be no food and A much smaller population.

    A country like Afghanistan, in areas such as Helmand, really demonstrates how tough life is for subsistence farmers. Back breaking toil, disease, poverty, risk of starvation if the weather fails to be optimal.

    Whilst the idea of shared labour and specialised skill of employees etc works it's the capitalist greed that demands perpetual growth that spoils things. What's wrong with making enough to pay all the bills and salaries? Why must you make more? Just enough is just that. The extra lines the pockets of the already rich.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Careful what you wish for ping! Your bikes etc are unnecessary excesses if you go down that road.
  7. P.s I can relieve you of the burden if it helps!
  8. You're right, but bike riding provides an experience. If I were to change bikes every year according to newly released models schedule purely for the drive to own something new then I'd be more concerned! I'm sure most people have the bike they do for the experience it provides and its buy in cost rather than because they must have new stuff all the time.

    Edit: there's a lot here that is hypocritical, I'm posting this on an iPhone which I'll be upgrading in a few months, sitting in front of a nice shiny TV. However, at least I can recognise the forces that coerce me and can try to minimise my participation. The Consumerism that drives capitalism demands effective consumption under the threat of complete social and economic exclusion. So essentially, I have no choice, but I'm not happy about it.
  9. You can justify your consumerism anyway you like mate! its all relative... A multi millionaire would point out he only has one car for each day of the week when he could afford more and that all the taxes he pays make him a philanthropist! your a commie or a capitalist pig... theres no in between i'm afraid !!! or a hippy
  10. We happily pay a premium for our meat. Beef has to be Scottish though. All must be free range organic hippy stuff. To a certain extent I can sympathise with vegans, but vegetables are bloody horrible and I am more carnivore than anything else. I'd die on a vegan diet. Rather me than a cow ive never met. Sorry Mrs Moo but its you or me.

    Population expansion pingpong prevents making just enough, plus with your communist ideals who'd build your yamahas? Capitalism is just our step from hunter gatherer to agricultural society taken to the nth degree.

    The only sure way to preserve food and resources is a sudden and dramatic population decrease. Which if world affairs are anything to go by, the Islamic world will experience fairly shortly. Swiftly followed by Japanese and Chinese and Africans as its the white Europeans with the means to do the dirty business. This, despite anyones protestations, is inevitable.

    Unless a plague hits then war will be likely at some point. Then meat will be a moot point
  11. sounds like we could solve a lot of problems just by eating our neighbors.
  12. the meek shall inherit the earth.... Used to go out with a meek bird... I think. (ive had a few sorry) (beers, not meeks)
  13. Deep fried Scotsman? Erm no thanks.
  14. What eat a jock? ... don't even like drinking with em...
  15. wasn't thinking about me.
    and besides the meek has already inherited the world. if it was still survival of the fittest we wouldn't be in this mess.
    whats wrong with you chisel? cant keep up?
  16. Are you Taliban? :)
  17. Sorry finm... You are quite right... only got to look around my local to see Darwin's theory in disarray! (ps me jibe about the jocks was only cause me mum is one (sorta) and I cant stand getting on the piss with her)
  18. do teleban's get this drunk?... I may be...
  19. Lol, Chizel Mam can out drink him. The shame. :Bag:
  20. Its only her crystal meth habit that keeps her standing so its not a fair contest!!!
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