
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. no worries. i am probably the thickest skin'd dude about there.
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  2. You make a quite sweeping assumption that capitalists are all greedy, self-centred types, determined to keep the serfs in a state of need while accumulating wealth. That sort of feudal capitalism simply isn't the system we are under. Plenty of ordinary people prefer a free market and opportunity to deliver for themselves, myself included. Plenty of our more wealthy citizens are self-made, not coming from inherited wealth. Many people complaining about the lack of equality in the system are not willing to work hard enough to make good of themselves, living on a system that allows people to unilaterally choose a life of no work without starving.

    I may come across as an obnoxious capitalist (that's the hope anyway) but I'm raising children on my own, I pay plenty of taxes and I volunteer for Crisis every Xmas - I see plenty of capitalists alongside me when I do.
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  3. its a good way to be mate
  4. I think it must be a Jock trait. As I am practically non offendable too. But that goes with the territory of being a piss taking wanker. You gotta be able to take it, to dish it out.
  5. totally. :upyeah:
  6. for once I agree... unless I agreed to something earlier and don't remember..
  7. anyway get back to the lil cows...

  8. It's obviously a geographical thing, I'm a soft southerner, and take absolutely everything to heart, and get personally offended and distressed by things that don't even involve me.

    It's a terrible way to be - I genuinely can't take the last of an item off the supermarket shelf just in case some little old granny might come along having made a specific journey for that exact item, and not have enough money for an alternative

    It's a terrible situation which leaves every day decisions plagued with undeserved guilt.
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Boots is it Donald Russell that you use for your meat? If so you have my sympathy. So we have established that ping will kill everything but is a commie at heart, our resident jocks have skin as thick as rhinos and only 1 of them is a hippy, chiz can't handle his beer and starts drinking mid day (sure you ain't Scottish ?) but that's due to his crystal meth loving mum obviously his child hood, and I'm one of only 3 people to admit to eating veal.
    Cheers guys another crackin afternoon in the lounge.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. waiter more plonk.... i'll have the veal but sumones gotta skin it for me... mum pass the pipe ffs
  11. Ask ping he will do it for you as long as you're in a working men's club and not a fascist den of hedonism
  12. I've eaten veal. They supply the US Marine Corps with veal steaks in Afghanistan. I didn't think much of it if I'm honest, but it's obviously not going to have been to best quality.
  13. never took boots for a hippy
  14. I don't go shopping. What are you thinking? If I go along, we spend at least 30% more and the biscuit and pop quotient increases exponentially. Besides I just get on her nerves shopping.
  15. save a whale, harpoon a fat chick
  16. Actually its not just when shopping either apparently.
  17. in ten years of marriage maybe been shopping together 3or 4 times. does my head in.
  18. Fucking English blokes. Haven't got a clue.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. what didn't spend long enough in the dark with no xbox?
  20. Me or the Veal?
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