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Very off-topic.... Kitchen appliances

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Sorry Al, should have said "seamen's"
  2. That's it!.......PS....Many of the well known names of the supposedly better appliances are just that; well known names.....the goods aren't always as good as they used to be.

    Expensive stuff now fails at the same rate as the cheaper stuff.

  3. Best kitchen appliance of the lot!

    • Like Like x 1
  4. I want one!!!!
  5. Wow, AM have gone public advocating sloppy seconds!
  6. Is that a real Aston advert or some sort of mock-up?

    I can't believe they'd be that crass.

    Or can I?
  7. It's a viral ad as far as I know. And it's working :smile:
  8. Definite mock-up: 'Pre Owed'.
    Funny that no-one was studying that part of the pic. :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  9. bad pic : why does she stand in front of the coffeemachine? now i can't see it!! :)
  10. Won't that work top hurt her shin? You want a curved edge.
  11. I thought it meant you had to pay up front.
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