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VERY urgent/important query for any Australians.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. As good as your sailing team apparently :wink:
  2. Dave, you dont even live in Australia. You should be on our side :smile: oh and the teams you mentioned are works in progress :upyeah:
  3. dont get much cricket up here, what was thel score?
  4. 6-5, went to penalties. Australia win on away rounders points, with a royal flush.
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  5. I like criket less than i like football and i fucking hate football:eek:
  6. watching the Ire vs NZ game this aft, i'd typed a lovely riposte to NZ Dave- had to delete it at 83 minutes of play*…. come on NZdave, do your worst…...

    i'd even checked to see who were the current womens rugby union world champions…. no joy their either...

    *"lucky bastards"
  7. Lucks got nuffin ta do wit it, eh Bro !
  8. I don't follow the cricket ...just wondering why were England playing such a minor sporting nation? ...some kind of warm up?
    #69 Il Presidente, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
  9. Yeah, but they just handed you your arse! :wink:
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  10. You might find the Aussies asking the same question after the 2nd test.
    This could be painful.

    Go back and look at the last Test series in England and it is obvious that England's batting was iffy, but that someone always came to the rescue to dig the side out of their hole and achieve victory. More often than not, it was Bell. The Aussies had problems finding a real cut through bowler.

    So they bring Johnson in, who no one can currently live with, and your innings saver doesn't, and suddenly it looks as if England are by far the weaker side.

    Let's hope I'm wrong, eh?
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  11. betting much of your house on that then…?
  12. I'd bet on Aus winning the Ashes, but the odds must be very poor.

    Still supporting England though!
  13. anything you want to say after today's final Dave?

    And yes I know NZ for further in the tournament but...
  14. Awww geez, I forgot to record it, I don't know who won, from this I assume we Feckin' lost to the Aussies?

  15. You dont know what i was inferring-could be either........Close game, but I won't spoil the result for you.
  16. Close game, my arse, we was flogged!!! :mad: Shame, as we were looking good too, lost it in the head I'd say. :frown:
  17. :biggrin:
  18. Well I think its fair to say, that its been Australia's day.....again :frown:
  19. 570 for 9 dec. - yes, I think you could say that.

    So what's the verdict, England have a toothless attack and can't bat?

    I can't see us retaining the ashes. Far more likely is the whitewash.
    Still, who knows. Maybe we'll be brilliant tomorrow and get a draw...

    You wouldn't what to put money on it though.
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