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Violent Armed Robbery - Staffordshire - please be on the lookout

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 998gsb, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. These guys were no sprout pickers pete. I am not saying all criminals are foreigners, far from it. What I am saying is the UK is a hotspot for foreign criminal activities. Watch Crimewatch and count how many of the "most wanted" are UK born.
  2. shocking, hope your son's grandad gets over this and is ok. I really hope they catch the f*****g lowlife scumbags
  3. Here is a link to photo-bucket - which shows at least a few of the items that have been stolen.

    Staffordshire Country House Robbery Photos by surveyor8 | Photobucket

    This is a list of what we think was taken, although there is probably more as well.

    List of stolen items from Staffordshire Country House 28/09/2013

    • Original 3/4 suit of armour, brown in colour with armourers mark on the breast plate under neck and halberd to side (17th Cent German)
    • Full suit of reproduction black armour
    • Full suit of reproduction brown armour
    • Thin suit of armour
    • Pikemans armour
    • Small child size self coloured wooden horse
    • Black and white breast and back plate armour
    • Red velvet covered shield with axe and spiked ball & chain
    • Picture of exotic birds (3ftx 3.5ft)
    • Bridal gauntlet 17th cent style
    • Spanish breast plate (aged steel in colour)
    • Swept hilt rapier (40” blade)
    • Dutch tapestry framed (faded brown and cream)
    • Small masons sword (thin inscribed blade)
    • Genuine cromwellian pike (17th cent)
    • 12ft reproduction halberd
    • Heavy siege type breast plate (17th cent style)
    • Elephant gun, full wooden stock & matchlock mechanism (20ft long x 6” diameter)
    • Early 19th Cent large gong (4ft sq)
    • Old breast and back plate with tassets
    • Left hand dagger (main gouch)
    • Antique standing lamp (Indian boy 5ft tall)
    • Picture of bow on the rocks (4ft6x3ft6)
    • Portrait of 17th cent man (3ft6x3ft)
    • Full size brass divers helmet with light inside
    • Ship builders sample- model of 19th cent sailing ship hull (stats of ships capabilities on plaque) 4ft6” long
    • 2x model galleons
    • Model galleon in bottle
    • Persian style wall rug
    • Brass base for divers helmet
    • Various Rolls Royce “Spirit of ecstasy” bonnet sculptures
    • Ships tavern wall plaque
    • Navy dirk
    • Italian clock set (3 piece – clock and candelabras)
    • Dalton Tea caddy
    • Various silver ornaments
    • Large Dalton punch bowl (Victorian skater figurines print)
    • Silver coffee set
    • Silver tray
    • Small print of Shakespeare
    • Various silver motocross trophies
    • Various pottery ornaments
    • Ships canon (3ft barrel) in small wooden carriage
    • Canon- 3ft long with dolphin pattern in small wooden carriage
    • Various swords
    • Chain mail coif
    • Double barreled percussion pistol
    • 2x Turkish pistols
    • Heavy breast plate, gauntlet and morrian helmet (Iron)
    • Cromwellian gorget
    • 2 x decorative mirrors (4ftx 3 ft)
    • Pair of French bayonets
    • 2x 3ft tall porcelain standing vases (white in colour)
    • Cavalry sword
    • Japanese matchlock musket
    • 3x Basket hilted broadsword
    • Various ethnic swords
    • Afghan musket with tower lock
    • Pair of old prints (after the hunt)
    • 2x portraits framed (3ft6x3ft)
    • Picture of Victorian child sleeping “time for a nap”
    • Painting of horse (medium)
    • Horse in stable painting (medium)
    • Queen Elizabeth 1st painting (medium)
    • Chinese tea set
    • Large brass and porcelain lamp
    • 30x various medium to large oil paintings
    • Large painting “Boy on the rocks” in 12” thick frame
    • Charles 2nd painting
    • Charles 1st (3 elevations of face)
    • Louis 15th Painting
    • Reclining nude woman in oval frame
    • Original plaques from family coaches mostly northern aristocracy
    • Silver basket hilted broadsword
    • 2x brass Victorian basket hilted broadswords
    • Landsknecht sword (6-7ft long)
    • Various pole arms
    • Various helmets
    • Japanese sword collection
    • Japanese pole arms (2ft blades)
    • Gold sword in red velvet case with ruby’s - very decorative
    • Cased officers dirk
    • De-activated flint lock pistol
    • Tag Heuer watch – Model=WJ1116 S/n = DM7889
    • Rolex gold watch (approx 25 years old) with diamonds on face

    If you have any information which could help - please contact Staffordshire Police and quote the crime reference number 0144 28/09/2013. This gang needs to be brought to justice, before they destroy another person's life.

    Thanks for all the support guys - it is appreciated. We know we probably wont see any of it ever again, but I'd love to get these low life caught and behind bars.
  4. Give it a rest Pete. It's a vain defence and you in your heart know it. You're a good guy Pete but your PC specs are cheap and and do not befit a bloke who has obviously had benefit of a (very) good education. Your use of language is a dead-set giveaway.

    Take them off and get a better picture of reality in 2013. Bad shit by bad people does happen.
  5. Christ they DEFINITELY knew what they were after. All the best with that and the poor chap.
  6. Its very difficult to put a precise value on the haul - but I'm estimating between £150k and £200k. Some of the militiaria is irreplaceable and has substantial value. They knew exactly what they were after...... the only thing they didn't take was his bank cards - although they did take them initially and got his pin out of him, but then left the cards, and about 5 long case grandfather clocks - presumably because they are difficult to transport.
  7. I have posted a link on Facebook - which we are trying to get to go viral - please could everyone just take a min and visit Facebook.com/Brookerandco and share the link on your own facebook page.
  8. Oh, I see now. It is wholly unknown for UK criminals to travel abroad, commit crimes there, and escape back to UK. That has never happened. And people committing crimes in the UK are always foreigners. Thanks so much for clearing that up.
  9. Can't one thread, which is detailing an outrageous act, be kept like that without petty in fighting and back biting? Keep point scoring for the next thatcher thread.

    I put up your original post and a link here on my FB wall and see a few other have. Hopefully every little helps and who knows what can happen with the power of the internet. Hows the old fella standing up?
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  10. Thanks to everyone for their help on this - within an hour there has been nearly 1000 hits to the Facebook page.

    The old chap is obviously very sad and melancholy about the whole thing - but overall he's doing remarkably well all things considered
  11. I hope the old chap makes a full recovery and there is some good luck recovering the property. What a shocking way to treat a defenceless old man, lets hope they get what they deserve for this appalling crime.
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  12. This is awful, I hope they catch and string them up!

    In the mean time, a family member deals in all sorts of stuff and makes a decent living off Ebay and real auctions too. We often give him stuff to value and sell on. I will get the list printed and will hand him a copy, you just never know, in all his legitimate dealings he might come across something.
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  13. On my FB and shared too. I have got loads of mates who go away to race through the year so they will be getting European Boats.
  14. Gav, Sorry to read this and i hope the bastards get caught! Take care Mate.

    I also don't come on here much and the post By Pete1950 just sum's it up!
    Can't you wind yer neck in for once Pete FFS
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  15. Are you serious? Go to Poland and see how many scumbag brits you can spot - they're everywhere. This idea that Britain is being invaded by unsavoury Europeans is absolute tosh. Go to Amsterdam, for fuck sake, and see how many British tramps you can spot...
  16. The response has been overwhelming - the Facebook thread has now have 6250 hits in less than 4 hours - thank you everyone..... and anyone who hasn't linked it - please, please do so - the more people that see it the better..... Facebook.com/brookerandco
  17. Shared on farcebook. I hope the crims get caught and locked away for a very long time. Best wishes to the victim
  18. Shared on Facebook Gav
  19. Really sorry to hear about this outrage, I hope the old guy gets past this in good order.

    I have shared on FB although I tend to agree that the items may well already be abroad.

    I hope the perpetrators all die with hot pokers up their arse's. ....cowardly scumbags.
  20. Gav, shared on my wall, i hope it helps :-(
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