Visor of preference

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by gliddofglood, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Clear

    12 vote(s)
  2. Clear with sunglasses if very sunny

    7 vote(s)
  3. Dark tint

    45 vote(s)
  4. Iridium - mirrored

    14 vote(s)
  5. Other (explain in post)

    8 vote(s)
  1. I had phone and money in my pockets when I came off my phone was fine and the only damage was my shoulders.
    I couldn't ride with a dark visor as I have night time myopia and when the sun goes in I cant see.
    The top of my helmet inside has always acted like putting your hand to shield the sun glare or maybe it was the position on the SS
  2. I have both, dark for daytime riding and light for early/late evening riding. Takes a few seconds to change them job done.
  3. I'm fortunate to have excellent eyesight (albeit with contact lenses) the couple of times I have been caught in low light with a dark visor it has not caused me any issues. I do however struggle in bright sunlight with a clear visor, and am completely blind riding into a low sun. For me the occasional ride in lower light with the dark visor is far safer than being blinded with a clear one. Of course, if I'm going and returning in the dark a clear visor goes on. Shark helmets have a visor locating system head and shoulders above anyone else's.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Agree with all that.
  5. red visor.jpg

    red visor.jpg
  6. I popped into a well known national retailer today to enquire about a tinted visor for my Arai Quantum DNA (Black), wondering while passing if there was anything in the sales which would interest me.

    Plenty of Helmets on display, but no visors around, or mention of much in the sale, so I enquired of said item.

    They pulled one out, and blipped it under the scanner to find out how much it was, when I asked, and was somewhat taken aback to find that they wanted £64.95 for it!

    Chuffin' Hell!

    I exclaimed as much, and the bloke behind the counter got all uppity, when I said that its only a bit of plastic, and wasn't worth that much. He said 'Have you ever had a brick hit you in the visor?' and 'its not just a bit of plastic, its extruded... etc.'

    Well, I already have a clear one, so a tint falls very much in the nice to have category, so £60+ quid is a bit much, especially when I know that you can get them online for £30-35 or so, but I object to being bullshitted like that. Wanted to ask just how come a brick happened to get high enough off the road... but left it at that.

    Don't think that I will be visiting there again, which is a shame, because they used to have some keenly priced bits of kit in there.

    My recently purchased Arai was £125 more expensive in there compared to where I bought mine too.

    I know that the high street needs a mark up etc but that much? Don't think that they will be around long.
  7. I am a new convert to drop down sun visor with a clear pinlocked main visor. Works great on the new Schuberth S2
  8. Pinloc dark dint. Takes a few seconds to remove if you have to. As I hardly ever ride at night its never been a problem.
  9. I'm without a helmet at the moment, but ill be spending a couple of hundred on a helmet at the NEC in November, as well as a new suit, boots and gloves, likely about £1000 on total. I'm going to aim to get them from the same supplier, so they better be throwing a dark visor, and possibly an undersuit into the deal..
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