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Warming up-not the weather.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by buzz, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. takes easy 15 mins in 6 to 8 degreess to get my multi to 40 in the mornings ...yawn i just ride it careful for few miles
  2. That's a lot of wasted petrol. Thrash it son, it's what it wants, what it deserves.
  3. wah? 2 minutes on tick over would use about an egg cup full haha id rather be careful and not wear out my rockers
  4. Start it up then put helmet and gloves on and away steadily until warmed up.

    Ps I think the 2 mins to reach the rockers is urban mithe.
  5. Start bike up let it idle ,walk back up the path to lock garage up , turn round some pickey just jumped on it and took off ........... screwing the balls off it down the street ............... huh ! that carnt be doing the motor any good now will ya pickey twot

  6. Diesel turbo ??? diesel turbo shaft temps dont get hot enough to vapourise and carbonise the stationary oil in the turbo shaft , petrols are a different matter and they would only do damage if you have been driving really hard then switched the engine off
  7. Ditto with a lot of the other comments re warming up bike, start it shut garage out on lid and gloves and ride off gently. This was with my various ducati's. But my Jota was another story, a few neighbours asked me to wheel it down the road before I started, another (a biker) said I was his alarm clock and loved hearing it roar into life, his gf was v pretty and I couldn't help chuckle how he should be waking her up in the morning with a roar instead of waiting for my triple to burst into life. :)
  8. don't take the chance llet em idle. wonder why vag audi turbos are braking so often. petrol and diesel?
  9. There's an interesting article on Sigma's website explaining that the rear cylinder takes 90 seconds for oil to feed into the head to the rockers.

    Personally i wait until the gauge hits 40C before I think about moving.
  10. Thought the temp display flashed until it is warm enough then goes solid, think it does on my 999. Any way that usually coincides with me getting geared up and helmet on.

  11. Wont the oil and water temp get up to temp as you ride ? just ride steady till it gets to temp , lots of doom mongers say this that and the other (im not just getting at you by the way ) and most have probablly never worked on engines .

    Why do you see racers revving the bikes up on the start line or in the pits .......... yes to get the motor up to temp before the race ........... because when the flag goes down the bikes at full knacker from there on .......... you dont have to do that with a road bike .
    Just get on ,start it up and ride steady till its up to temp.

    Insurance null and void if the bike gets stolen with the keys in it ........ and this happens alot , some scally will watch you do it one day then the next they will be off on your pride and joy the next day .

    Not getting at you like i say ......just general talk :upyeah:
  12. /

    Vnt turbos are always working there hardest thats why they can make so much boost low down , if its due to switching them off with out letting them idle why dont all non vnt turbos suffer with shaft shear breakage ??
  13. dinna ken. only turbo's i'v ever changed have been on German stuff. done four in the work shop in last year. 1 petrol 3 diesel and know of several more in the wee surrounding area. 2 low millage A3 sport diesels.
  14. From my experience of racing 2 smokes you warm it up to temp to get all the different bits of metal expanded to their design tolerances, hence no cold seizures. Maybe a road bike isn't built to race bike clearances in the engine but with the advent of exotic cylinder coatings, super lightweight pistons etc it just might be sensible to give it 5 minutes before you blast off cos they aint all going to expand at the same rate.

  15. Agreed the vag group stuff do tend to go alot but unlikely to be because of not letting them idle ........low mileage stuff tend to have faults with carbonised vanes throwing up over boost or under boost conditions , as i said diesel turbo temps are not hot enough to vaporise the oil in the shaft , this was the issue with petrols ..if switched off after heavy loads the 1000-1200 degress of temp vapourised the oil on the shaft leaving carbonised residue on it, after repeated cycles this restricted oil flow to bearings causing failure
  16. Spot on my freind , but as i say ......dont go blasting off just ride steady till its up to temp
  17. I race mine and rev it coz that's what you do on the start line (to get revs at high enough level not to bog bike down ), surely its like shaking your knob when you've had a piss , its just something that has to be done.
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  18. both audis where within seconds of oil pump failure another we relatively common fault with them in comparison to other makes.
  19. Yes the brilliant vag design of the 6mm allen key driven from the balance shaft that drives the oil pump , spins in the balance shaft machined end DOH .........put a new engine in one last week 59 plate a3 80 k miles , turbo gone and big ends knocking allen key drive failure

    Going off on one here arnt i ............ is this the ducati forum or vag group car faults forum ??? doh !
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  20. yet another reason to buy Italian. :upyeah:
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