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Warning about threads that may have a legal repercussions

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. Sad
  2. There was a thread about Animal Hospital/Kangaroos/2 little boys with toys but I can't find it now, so perhaps that was the individual.
  3. Take it how it was intended.
    A bit of leg tug
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  4. Lets have a fresh start when the ---- Sun Arise , early in the mornin.
  5. Consider me told.
  6. I agree. The mob mentality that was displayed is very sad and very uncalled for IMO.
  7. Thanks Matt for your swift actions on removing the thread.

    I, as the publisher, could be held accountable for anything on this forum that could be prejudice, pose risk to reputation, and constitute a published contempt contrary to acts of Law.

    I am not willing to have that burden - so please, before posting, please consider the content.

    Thanks for understanding.

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  8. Thread closed
  9. Not yet it ain't
  10. I wonder much it costs to pay lawyers to sweep the internet for defamatory comments?
  11. feck rob sign the house into the wifes name .
  12. Had similar threats when I ran the ISC.

    After taking legal advice and being referred to the Mumsnet case, as forum provider your liability is basically to remove anything someone takes offence to. If you don't then there is a problem......

    The poster is however still legally responsible for anything posted - hence so many new prosecutions etc for people posting things on Facebook and Twatter.....
  13. I had better start spelling gipsy with a capital G .:tongue:
  14. Sorry. Been working late! I too apologise, but I don't understand the double standards in this country... The Daily Mail can essentially call a politician a supporter of peadophillia and nothing happens apart from a verbal bun fight, but this kicks up into possible legal threats?... My comments were daft on reflection. Does this mean we can't comment on crimes like the Rigby case, or Brevick till they have been proved guilty?,... What about Pistorious next week?.

    I understand the possible legal implications, the sad thing is we are turning into an American claim culture IMO... You were right to get rid of the post, but how far will this go?
  15. This is utter nonsense. It is not "... anything someone takes offence to " which is the problem.

    Threats of violence, conspiracy to commit crimes, breach of copyright, libel, damaging national security, and contempt of court: these are the main things it is unlawful to publish.

    I am perfectly happy to publish things somebody takes offence to, often do so, and intend to continue. You should too.
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  16. When I said anything people take offence to obviously it was more extreme and libellous things not just calling someone a twat.....
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  17. Your £1m mansion.
  18. So to clear things up...

    If hes foumd guilty can we take the piss then ?
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  19. Yes
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  20. good good :)
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