you could install free bar though. And the leather seats need re-covering. Preferably recovered in scantily clad waitresses.....
Just to relax everybody, I've decided to offer virtually everyone in the virtual Lounge bar a round of virtual drinks, on me. Cheers!
Virtually? You mean almost everyone. Who are you excluding from this virtual round? Imagine the shame in being excluded from a virtual drink.
I dont really drink. But I could be persuaded by a nice 20yr old Balvenie. Wait, Ive a bottle at home...Ok so make it a 50yr Balvenie and a bag of cheese and onion crisps.
coming from a turn coat! you need water to free the taste. figured you as more of Thunderbird and lager kind of dude.
yes, I could have done or even used initials etc but it is still prodding the monster with a stick plus I remember what happened to that journalist who went after 'the' Chr*st*@n Sc**nt*sts in America and it still haunts me