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'''warning''' F1 spoiler.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by speno, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Off topic a bit but what's happened to speno? Last activity was the 7th June.
  2. I think they need much shorter races.
    2 per day.

    less strategy - more fighting
    #82 Phill, Sep 8, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2013
  3. I reckon they need shit tyres and brakes, that'll make the racing far more interesting.
  4. ? RBR run Renault engines.

    Vettel has it well tied up now and the opposition will be putting all resources into the 2014 cars.

    A pity that RBR have not taken on Raikonnen (or Alonso/Hamilton) as it would be great to see Vettel being challenged by high quality opponent with the same equipment. Sadly Webber just got out maneuvered in the team a couple of years back and never really recovered. At least 2014 will throw up a massive new challenge on the engine front. You'd have to put your money on Newey though to design another great chassis to go with the new Renault engine and they have a pretty good small turbo engine heritage.
  5. When Rosberg's engineer is telling him over the radio to close the DRS slightly earlier to load the suspension prior to a corner then you know that something has gone seriously wrong with the spirit of the sport.
  6. I stand corrected. Confusion with Toro Rosso.

    It's sad that none of the top teams use a British engine, or more to the point, that no British company has the wherewithall to design and build a top engine these days.
    Most of the cars seem to be British, most of the teams located in Britain, no doubt most of the personnel of those team British. Too bad we can't come up with an engine. The Cosworth doesn't really cut it, does it?
  7. If I am not very much mistaken*, Mercedes Formula 1 engines are made at Brixworth, near Daventry, Northamptonshire.

    *acks. to Murray Walker
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Thirty percent of the grid have there exhausts made in a village called Sutton just outside Oxford.
  9. most formula one team's amass in whitley bay seafront carpark at 9pm most weekdays and are honda civics made in the Uk

    60% of them buy race suits made by Lonsdale
    #91 Phill, Sep 9, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2013
  10. Most formula one teams round here are called Jason, and drive knackered Vauxhall Corsas:mad:
  11. Mercedes bought Ilmor (anyone remember them? They powered some Championship winning Mclarens in the late nineties) so really is a British specialist engine manufacturer badged "Mercedes" and with a healthy dose of their investment. Mercedes F1 is also really a British team and they always play the wrong national anthem! :biggrin: As do a number of other "English" teams.

    Mercedes - Brawn - Honda - BAR - Tyrell (a very English team!)
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