Veery interesting , black clothing with a red frame ,, looks good , ( so I could just wrap my fairings matt / imm carbon black )
I think they are an uncoated, natural alloy finish, unlike the swinging arm, although I'm not certain if that is anodised or powder.
Adjusters are bare alloy ,swinger is anodised grey alloy...there are some fancy billet adjusters available, next on my to buy list.
Once again, when I filled up the 999 yesterday, the guy with the car in front asked me what model my "lovely new bike" is...
I'm not a fan of the black matt bikes, they just look like it's been stolen and some scrotes with tins of matt black from Halfords have tried to disguise it. They also time date to about 3-4 years ago where people did the matt black thing, thought it was cool but then realised it was like pine cladding and lycra. Gloss black on the other hand, lovely.
When peeps admire my bike i tell them it was the runt of the litter and no one bought them cos they were ugly. on a lazy lookout for a 749s/999s anyway so reading this just gives me a kick up the arse!